- intemperate
in-temperātēнеумеренно, невоздержно (immoderate et i. vivere C)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Intemperate — In*tem per*ate, a. [L. intemperatus. See {In } not, and {Temperate}.] 1. Indulging any appetite or passion to excess; immoderate in enjoyment or exertion. [1913 Webster] 2. Specifically, addicted to an excessive or habitual use of alcoholic… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
intemperate — [in tem′pər it, in tem′prit] adj. [L intemperatus] 1. not temperate; specif., a) not moderate; lacking restraint; excessive b) severe or violent; inclement [an intemperate wind] 2. drinking too much alcoholic liquor intemperately adv … English World dictionary
Intemperate — In*tem per*ate, v. t. To disorder. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
intemperate — I adjective exceeding, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, immoderate, inabstinent, indulgent, inordinate, unbridled, unchecked, uncontrolled, uncurbed, uninhibited, unlimited, unmeasured, unreined, unrestrained, unruly, unsuppressed,… … Law dictionary
intemperate — (adj.) characterized by excessive indulgence in a passion or appetite, late 14c., from L. intemperatus untempered, inclement, immoderate, from in not, opposite of (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + temperantia (see TEMPERANCE (Cf. temperance)). Related:… … Etymology dictionary
intemperate — ► ADJECTIVE 1) lacking self control. 2) characterized by excessive indulgence, especially in alcohol. DERIVATIVES intemperance noun intemperately adverb … English terms dictionary
intemperate — [[t]ɪnte̱mpərət[/t]] ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe someone s words as intemperate, you are critical of them because they are too forceful and uncontrolled. [FORMAL] The tone of the article is intemperate. ...the unwisely intemperate… … English dictionary
intemperate — in|tem|per|ate [ınˈtempərıt] adj formal 1.) intemperate language or behaviour shows a lack of control, which other people think is unacceptable ▪ The judge s intemperate outburst almost caused a retrial. 2.) regularly drinking too much alcohol… … Dictionary of contemporary English
intemperate — Pākela. Intemperate drinker, pākela inu lama. Intemperate eating, pākela ai … English-Hawaiian dictionary
intemperate — adjective Etymology: Middle English intemperat, from Latin intemperatus, from in + temperatus, past participle of temperare to temper Date: 14th century not temperate < intemperate criticism >; especially given to excessive use of intoxicating… … New Collegiate Dictionary
intemperate — adjective Lacking moderation, temper or control Bad week for: Jeremy Clarkson, who has become a hate figure in Malaysia after launching an intemperate attack on a Malaysian built car The Week, 14 April 2007, 609, 4 … Wiktionary