- Amarynthus
ī f.Амаринт, местечко на Эвбее с храмом Дианы L
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
AMARYNTHUS — fluv. inter Arcadiam et Triphyliam, qui in Alphcum defertur, Armoa hodie, uti a nonnullis indigitatur. Insulae quoque Euboeae vicus est, in quo Diana colebatur, quae inde Amarysia dicta est. Imo pro insula Euboea ipsa usurpatur apud Pausan. l. 1 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Amaranth — Amarantus redirects here. For the ancient Greek writer, see Amarantus of Alexandria. For other uses, see Amaranth (disambiguation). Amaranthus Amaranthus caudatus Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Artemis — Infobox Greek deity Caption = The Diana of Versailles , a Roman copy of a Greek sculpture by Leochares. (Louvre Museum) Name = Artemis God of = Goddess of the Hunt, Forests and Hills Abode = Symbol = Bow and Arrows Consort = Parents = Zeus and… … Wikipedia
Horace Smith — Horace (born Horatio) Smith (December 31, 1779 July 12, 1849) was an English poet and novelist, perhaps best known for his participation in a sonnet writing competition with Percy Bysshe Shelley. It was of him that Shelley said: Is it not odd… … Wikipedia
Amaranth (color) — Amaranth is a reddish rose color that is a representation of the color of the flower of the amaranth plant. The color shown is the color of the red amaranth flower (the color normally considered amaranth), but there are other varieties of… … Wikipedia
Horace Smith — Horatio Smith, dit Horace, né le 31 décembre 1779, mort le 12 juillet 1849, est un poète et romancier anglais, peut être plus connu pour l écriture d un sonnet en concurrence avec Ozymandias de Percy Bysshe Shelley. Ce dernier … Wikipédia en Français
Narcisse (mythologie) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Narcisse. Narcisse, par Le Caravage (v. 1595) Dans la mythologie grecque, Narcisse … Wikipédia en Français
Amarynthvs [1] — AMARYNTHVS, i, einer von den Jägern der Diana, von welchem der Ort Amarynthus in Euböa den Namen bekommen. Steph. Byz. in Ἀμάρυνθος … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Amarysia — AMARYSIA, æ, Gr. Ἀμαρυσία, ας, ein Beynamen der Diana, welchen sie von der Stadt Amarynthus, in Euböa, bekommen. Sie wurde aber nicht allein hieselbst, sondern auch vornehmlich zu Athen selbst, unter diesem Namen verehret, Pausan. Attic. c. 31.… … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
AMARYSIA — Dianae cognomen, vide Amarynthus … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale