Смотреть что такое "inspersio" в других словарях:
Inspersion — In*sper sion, n. [L. inspersio.] The act of sprinkling. [Obs.] Chapman. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inspersion — Sprinkling with a fluid or a powder. [L. inspersio, fr. in spergo, pp. spersus, to scatter upon, fr. spargo, to scatter] * * * in·sper·sion (in spurґzhən) the act of sprinkling, as with a powder … Medical dictionary
FLAVI — in aliquot Graecorum Oraculis, Franci indigitati sunt, ob capillorum colorem. Sic Rogerus Hovedenus CPoli in Porta Aurea, scripta esse haec verba refert, p. 650. Quando veniet Rex Flavus Occidentalis, tunc ego per meipsum aperiar, et tunc Latini… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
RAPHANUS — in templo Delphico ex auro dicatus. Plin. l. 19. c. 5. Ut Graeca est vanitas, fertur in templo Apollinis Delphis, adeo coeteris cibis praelatus raphanus, ut ex auro dicaretur, beta ex argento, rapum e plumbo. Idem vero et paederastarum ac… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
insperzija — inspèrzija ž DEFINICIJA vlaženje u kapima; škropljenje, prskanje radi vlaženja (rublja za glačanje, tla radi obrade itd.) ETIMOLOGIJA lat. inspersio ≃ inspergere: škropiti … Hrvatski jezični portal
inspersion — noun ( s) Etymology: Middle French, from Late Latin inspersion , inspersio, from Latin inspersus (past participle of inspergere to sprinkle, from in in (II) + spergere, from spargere to scatter) + ion , io ion more at spark … Useful english dictionary