- insimul
īn-simul adv.одновременно, в то же время St
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
insimul — /insamal/ Together; jointly … Black's law dictionary
insimul — /insamal/ Together; jointly … Black's law dictionary
insimul — At the same time; together; jointly … Ballentine's law dictionary
insimul computassent — /inssmal kompyatsssnt/ They accounted together. In common law pleading, the name of the count in assumpsit upon an account stated; it being averred that the parties had settled their accounts together, and defendant engaged to pay plaintiff the… … Black's law dictionary
insimul tenuit — /inssmal tenyuwat/ One species of the writ of formedon brought against a stranger by a coparcener on the possession of the ancestor, etc … Black's law dictionary
insimul computassent — /inssmal kompyatsssnt/ They accounted together. In common law pleading, the name of the count in assumpsit upon an account stated; it being averred that the parties had settled their accounts together, and defendant engaged to pay plaintiff the… … Black's law dictionary
insimul tenuit — /inssmal tenyuwat/ One species of the writ of formedon brought against a stranger by a coparcener on the possession of the ancestor, etc … Black's law dictionary
insimul computassent — Literally, they accounted together. A common count in assumpsit pleaded in an action upon an account. 1 Am J2d Acctg § 37 … Ballentine's law dictionary
non tenent insimul — /non tenant insamal/ In old pleading, a plea to an action in partition, by which the defendant denied that he and the plaintiff were joint tenants of the estate in question … Black's law dictionary
non tenent insimul — /non tenant insamal/ In old pleading, a plea to an action in partition, by which the defendant denied that he and the plaintiff were joint tenants of the estate in question … Black's law dictionary
Quando jus domini regis et subditi insimul concurrunt, regis praeferri debet — When a right of our lord the king comes into conflict, that of the king ought to have preference. Such maxim should apply to the state, and her revenues should be protected with as much solicitude as those of the British King. State v Foster, 5… … Ballentine's law dictionary