- inseparabilis
īn-sēparābilis, eнеотделимый, нераздельный Sen, Ap, AG etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
inséparable — [ ɛ̃separabl ] adj. • XIVe; lat. inseparabilis ♦ Que l on ne peut séparer, considérer isolément. ⇒ indissociable, lié, uni. Attribut inséparable d un être. ⇒ inhérent. « La foi est inséparable de la contrition » (Bossuet). ♢ (Personnes) Qui sont… … Encyclopédie Universelle
inseparabil — INSEPARÁBIL, Ă, inseparabili, e, adj. Care nu se poate separa, despărţi de ceva sau de cineva, strâns unit sau legat; de nedespărţit. – Din fr. inséparable, lat. inseparabilis. Trimis de valeriu, 21.07.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 INSEPARÁBIL adj. 1.… … Dicționar Român
Pouteria campechiana — Canistel … Wikipedia Español
ВОПЛОЩЕНИЕ — [греч. ἐνσάρκωσις, лат. incarnatio], ключевое событие истории спасения, состоящее в том, что предвечное Слово (Логос), Сын Божий, Второе Лицо Пресв. Троицы, восприняло человеческую природу. Вера в факт В. служит основанием христ. исповедания… … Православная энциклопедия
Inseparable — In*sep a*ra*ble, a. [L. inseparabilis: cf. F. ins[ e]parable. See {In }, and {Separable}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Not separable; incapable of being separated or disjoined. [1913 Webster] The history of every language is inseparable from that of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inseparable — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin inseparabilis, from in + separabilis separable Date: 14th century 1. incapable of being separated or disjoined < inseparable issues > 2. seemingly always together ; very intimate < inseparable… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Sigma Iota Alpha — Infobox Fraternity letters = ΣΙΑ name = Sigma Iota Alpha motto = Semper Unum et Inseparabilis (Always One and Inseparable) crest = founded = September 29, 1990 type = Social scope = National address = Prince Street Station, P.O. Box 237 symbol =… … Wikipedia
Double-eyed Fig-parrot — Taxobox name = Double Eyed Fig Parrot status = LC | status system = IUCN3.1Breeding season: August through to OctoberFound: Mostly in the Daintree rainforest (Australia)Habitat: fig trees or crowded trees image width = 220px image caption =… … Wikipedia
List of fraternity and sorority mottos — This is a list of open or public mottos and mission statements of fraternities and sororities, categorized by the organizations to which they belong. It should be noted that most of the mottos which follow are public mottos and, sometimes, little … Wikipedia
Blauwangen-Maskenzwergpapagei — Maskenzwergpapagei Maskenzwergpapagei, Weibchen Systematik Ordnung: Papageien (Psittaciformes) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Coxens Rotwangen-Zwergpapagei — Maskenzwergpapagei Maskenzwergpapagei, Weibchen Systematik Ordnung: Papageien (Psittaciformes) … Deutsch Wikipedia