Смотреть что такое "insane" в других словарях:
insane — [ ɛ̃san ] adj. • 1784; angl. insane, lat. insanus 1 ♦ Littér. Qui n est pas sain d esprit; qui est contraire à la saine raison, au bon sens. ⇒ absurde, fou, insensé. « Le culte du Démon n est pas plus insane que celui de Dieu » (Huysmans). Des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
insane — insane, mad, crazy, crazed, demented, deranged, lunatic, maniac, non compos mentis are comparable in their general or nontechnical senses (for senses of corresponding nouns used technically see INSANITY) and as meaning afflicted by or manifesting … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Insane — 2011 Daten Standort Gröna Lund (Stockholm, Schweden) Typ … Deutsch Wikipedia
Insane — In*sane , a. [L. insanus. See {In } not, and {Sane}.] 1. Exhibiting unsoundness or disorder of mind; not sane; mad; deranged in mind; delirious; distracted. See {Insanity}, 2. [1913 Webster] 2. Used by, or appropriated to, insane persons; as, an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
insane — (adj.) 1550s, from L. insanus mad, insane; outrageous, excessive, extravagant, from in not (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + sanus well, healthy, sane. Originally only of persons; of actions, from 1842. Cf. LUNATIC (Cf. lunatic); and It. pazzo insane,… … Etymology dictionary
insane — [in sān′] adj. [L insanus] 1. not sane; mentally ill or deranged; demented; mad: not a technical term: see INSANITY ☆ 2. of or for insane people [an insane asylum] 3. very foolish, impractical, extravagant, etc.; senseless insanely adv … English World dictionary
insane — in·sane adj: affected with insanity Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. insane I … Law dictionary
insane — [adj] mentally ill; foolish batty*, bizarre, cracked*, crazed, crazy, cuckoo*, daft, demented, derailed, deranged, fatuous, frenzied, idiotic, impractical, irrational, irresponsible, loony*, lunatic, mad, maniacal, mental, moonstruck*, nuts*,… … New thesaurus
insane — ► ADJECTIVE 1) in or relating to an unsound state of mind; seriously mentally ill. 2) extremely foolish; irrational. DERIVATIVES insanely adverb insanity noun. ORIGIN Latin insanus, from in not + sanus healthy … English terms dictionary
insane — adj. VERBS ▪ be, look, seem, sound ▪ It seems insane to cut the budget now. ▪ become, go ▪ He later … Collocations dictionary
Insane — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Insane », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) Insane peut avoir différentes… … Wikipédia en Français