Смотреть что такое "Aluntium" в других словарях:
ALUNTIUM — oppid. Siciliae Α᾿λόντιον Ptol. Α᾿λούντιον vero Phalaridi, Dionys. Diodoro Sic. imo Cicer. Verr. 4. et Plin. l. 3. c. 8. Aliis Haluntium. Alontium autem ex aloth; Aluntium ex aluth factum putat Bochart. in Chanaan l. 1. c. 27. Aloth vero et Aluth … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Aluntĭum — (a. Geogr.), Stadt auf der Nordküste Siciliens, mit Weinbau; angeblich von den Begleitern des Äneas angelegt; beim jetzigen St. Philadelphia … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
San Marco d'Alunzio — Infobox CityIT img coa = official name = San Marco d Alunzio name = San Marco d Alunzio region = Sicily province = Province of Messina (ME) elevation m = area total km2 = 26.1 population as of = Dec. 2004 population total = 2155 population… … Wikipedia
Agathyrnum — or Agathyrna (Ancient Greek: polytonic|Ἀγάθυρνα), [Polyb. ap. Steph. Byz., polytonic|Ἀγαθύρνον, Ptol.: Agathyrna, Sil. Ital. xiv. 259, Livy; Agathyrnum, Plin.] was an ancient city on the north coast of Sicily between Tyndaris and Calacte. It was… … Wikipedia
АЛУНЦИЙ — I. • Aluntĭum или Haluntium, Άλούντιον, город в Сицилии, близ северного берега на крутом холме, невдалеке от н. Caronia. Cic. Verr. 3, 43.4, 23. II. • Haluntĭum, см. Aluntium … Реальный словарь классических древностей
АЛУНЦИЙ — I. • Aluntĭum или Haluntium, Άλούντιον, город в Сицилии, близ северного берега на крутом холме, невдалеке от н. Caronia. Cic. Verr. 3, 43.4, 23. II. • Haluntĭum, см. Aluntium … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Robert Guiscard — Coin of Robert Guiscard. Robert d Hauteville, known as Guiscard, Duke of Apulia and Calabria, from Latin Viscardus and Old French Viscart, often rendered the Resourceful, the Cunning, the Wily, the Fox, or the Weasel (c. 1015 – 17 July 1085) was… … Wikipedia
Norman conquest of southern Italy — The Kingdom of Sicily (in green) in 1154, representing the extent of Norman conquest in Italy over several decades of activity by independent adventurers The Norman conquest of southern Italy spanned the late eleventh and much of the twelfth… … Wikipedia
Apollonia (Sicily) — Apollonia (Greek: polytonic|Ἀπολλωνία) was an ancient city of Sicily, which, according to Stephanus of Byzantium, was situated in the neighborhood of Aluntium and Calacte. Cicero also mentions it ( Or. in Verr. iii. 43) and in conjunction with… … Wikipedia
San Marco d'Alunzio — San Marco d’Alunzio … Deutsch Wikipedia
San Marco d’Alunzio — San Marco d’Alunzio … Deutsch Wikipedia