- ingenuitas
- ingenuitās, ātis f. [ ingenuus ]1) звание свободного гражданина, знатное происхождение (i. alicujus C, L etc.)2) благородство, прямодушие, прямота, искренность C, PM, PS
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
ingenuitas — /injan(y)uwataes/ Freedom; liberty; the state or condition of one who is free. Also liberty given to a servant by manumission … Black's law dictionary
ingenuitas — /injan(y)uwataes/ Freedom; liberty; the state or condition of one who is free. Also liberty given to a servant by manumission … Black's law dictionary
ingenuitas — The condition of a freeman or that of a manumitted slave … Ballentine's law dictionary
ingenuitas regni — /injan(y)uwatss regnay/ In old English law, the freemen, yeomanry, or commonalty of the kingdom. Applied sometimes also to the barons … Black's law dictionary
ingenuitas regni — /injan(y)uwatss regnay/ In old English law, the freemen, yeomanry, or commonalty of the kingdom. Applied sometimes also to the barons … Black's law dictionary
ingenuitas regni — The freemen or yeomanry of the kingdom … Ballentine's law dictionary
ingenuità — {{hw}}{{ingenuità}}{{/hw}}s. f. 1 Candore d animo | Semplicità, inesperienza | (spreg.) Semplicioneria; CONTR. Furbizia, scaltrezza. 2 Atto, parola da persona ingenua … Enciclopedia di italiano
ingénuité — [ ɛ̃ʒenɥite ] n. f. • 1372; lat. ingenuitas 1 ♦ Dr. rom. État d une personne née libre. 2 ♦ (1546) Sincérité innocente et naïve. ⇒ candeur, franchise, innocence, naïveté, pureté, simplicité, sincérité. « Toute la personne de Cosette était naïveté … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ingenui — For the Roman commander with this name, see Ingenuus. Ingenui or ingenuitas (singular ingenuus ), was a legal term of ancient Rome indicating those who were born free, as distinct from, for example, freedmen, who were freemen who had once been… … Wikipedia
ingenuitate — INGENUITÁTE s.f. Simplitate, naturaleţe împletită cu sinceritate şi naivitate; puritate, candoare (în comportări). [pr.: nu i ] – Din fr. ingénuité, lat. ingenuitas, atis. Trimis de valeriu, 21.07.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 INGENUITÁTE s. candoare,… … Dicționar Român
Ingenuität — In|ge|nu|i|tät 〈f. 20; unz.; geh.〉 Freimut, Offenheit, Aufrichtigkeit [<lat. ingenuitas „Stand der Freigeborenen, Edelmut, offener Sinn“] * * * In|ge|nu|i|tät, die; [lat. ingenuitas]: 1. (veraltet) Freimut, Offenheit; Natürlichkeit im Benehmen … Universal-Lexikon