Смотреть что такое "inflictio" в других словарях:
VERBERUM inflictio — seu Festigatio, poena est in Ecclesia Romana, ubi Inquisitio viget, quâ rei ad ictus flagellorum aut virgarum condemnantur. Et quidem, si viri sint Religiosi, virgis in suo Monasterio ab aliis Religiosis, praesente Notariô S. Officii (ut vocant)… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
multiplicata transgressione crescat poenae inflictio — /maltaplakeyta traenzgreshiyowniy kreskat piyniy infliksh(iy)ow/ As transgression is multiplied, the infliction of punishment should increase … Black's law dictionary
multiplicata transgressione crescat poenae inflictio — /maltaplakeyta traenzgreshiyowniy kreskat piyniy infliksh(iy)ow/ As transgression is multiplied, the infliction of punishment should increase … Black's law dictionary
transgressione multiplicata, crescat poenae inflictio — /traenzgreshiyowniy maltaplakeyta, kreskat piyniy infliksh(iy)ow/ When transgression is multiplied, let the infliction of punishment be increased … Black's law dictionary
Multiplicita transgressione crescat poenae inflictio — The infliction of punishment should increase with the repetition of the offense … Ballentine's law dictionary
Transgressione multiplicata, crescat poenae inflictio — Upon the multiplication of transgression, let the infliction of punishment increase … Ballentine's law dictionary
inflicţiune — INFLICŢIÚNE, inflicţiuni, s.f. (Rar) Pedeapsă. [pr.: ţi u ] – Din fr. infliction, lat. inflictio, onis. Trimis de valeriu, 21.07.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 inflicţiúne s. f. (sil. ţi u ), g. d. art. inflicţiúnii; pl. inflicţiúni … Dicționar Român
crime — / krīm/ n [Middle French, from Latin crimen fault, accusation, crime] 1: conduct that is prohibited and has a specific punishment (as incarceration or fine) prescribed by public law compare delict, tort 2: an offense against public law … Law dictionary
infliction — ⇒INFLICTION, subst. fém. DR., vx. ,,Action d infliger une peine corporelle et afflictive (LITTRÉ). L empereur : Le châtiment n est il pas l infliction d un mal contraire au crime commis? (CLAUDEL, Repos 7e jour, 1901, II, p. 829) : • En suivant… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Infliction — In*flic tion, n. [L. inflictio: cf. F. infliction.] 1. The act of inflicting or imposing; as, the infliction of torment, or of punishment. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is inflicted or imposed, as punishment, disgrace, calamity, etc. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
infliction — /in flik sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of inflicting. 2. something inflicted, as punishment or suffering. [1525 35; < LL infliction (s. of inflictio). See INFLICT, ION] * * * … Universalium