- infallibilis
īn-fallibilis, e [ fallo ]непогрешимый Eccl
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
infaillible — [ ɛ̃fajibl ] adj. • 1580; « inaltérable » XIVe; lat. ecclés. infallibilis → faillir I ♦ (Choses) Qui ne peut faire défaut. 1 ♦ Vieilli Qui ne peut manquer de se produire. ⇒ assuré, certain, sûr. « Mon entreprise est sûre, et sa perte infaillible… … Encyclopédie Universelle
infallibel — in|fal|li|bel 〈Adj.〉 unfehlbar; Ggs fallibel [<neulat. infallibilis „unfehlbar“; <lat. in... „un..., nicht“ + fallere „täuschen“] * * * in|fal|li|bel <Adj.> [mlat. infallibilis, aus lat. in = un , nicht u. lat. fallibilis, ↑ fallibel] … Universal-Lexikon
infalible — ► adjetivo 1 Que no puede fallar o equivocarse: ■ le ha dado un remedio infalible. SINÓNIMO indefectible 2 Que puede ser asegurado sin ninguna duda: ■ se trata de una afirmación infalible. SINÓNIMO cierto incontestable … Enciclopedia Universal
infallible — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin infallibilis, from Latin in + Late Latin fallibilis fallible Date: 15th century 1. incapable of error ; unerring < an infallible memory > 2. not liable to mislead, deceive, or disappoint ;… … New Collegiate Dictionary
José Saenz d'Aguirre — Joseph Saenz de Aguirre (born at Logro, in Old Castile, 24 March, 1630; died 19 August, 1699) was a Cardinal, and learned Spanish Benedictine. He entered the congregation of Monte Cassino. He directed the studies in the Monastery of St. Vincent… … Wikipedia
Рау Христиан — (Rau, латинск. Ravius) немецкий ориенталист (1613 77). Получив место секретаря нидерландского посольства, он изучил языки турецкий, персидский и новогреческий, объездил часть Азиатской Турции (1641) и вывез в Европу более 2000 драгоценных… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
infallible — infallibility, infallibleness, n. infallibly, adv. /in fal euh beuhl/, adj. 1. absolutely trustworthy or sure: an infallible rule. 2. unfailing in effectiveness or operation; certain: an infallible remedy. 3. not fallible; exempt from liability… … Universalium
Aguirre, Joseph Saenz de — • Cardinal, and learned Spanish Benedictine; born at Logro o, in Old Castile, 24 March, 1630; died 19 August, 1699 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Aguirre, Joseph Saenz de … Catholic encyclopedia
Conscience — • The individual, as in him customary rules acquire ethical character by the recognition of distinct principles and ideals, all tending to a final unity or goal, which for the mere evolutionist is left very indeterminate, but for the Christian… … Catholic encyclopedia
Gallicanism — • This term is used to designate a certain group of religious opinions for some time peculiar to the Church of France, or Gallican Church, and the theological schools of that country Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Gallicanism … Catholic encyclopedia
Joseph Saenz de Aguirre — Joseph Saenz de Aguirre † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Joseph Saenz de Aguirre Cardinal, and learned Spanish Benedictine; born at Logro o, in Old Castile, 24 March, 1630; died 19 August, 1699. He entered the congregation of Monte Cassino.… … Catholic encyclopedia