- inesse
inf. к insum
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
inesse potest donationi, modus, conditio sive causa; ut modus est; si conditio; quia causa — /inesiy powtast daneyshiyownay, mowdas, kandish(iy)ow sayviy koza; at mowdas est; say kandish(iy)ow; kwaya koza/ In a gift there may be manner, condition, and cause; as [ut] introduces a manner; if [si], a condition; because [quia], a cause … Black's law dictionary
inesse potest donationi, modus, conditio sive causa; ut modus est; si conditio; quia causa — /inesiy powtast daneyshiyownay, mowdas, kandish(iy)ow sayviy koza; at mowdas est; say kandish(iy)ow; kwaya koza/ In a gift there may be manner, condition, and cause; as [ut] introduces a manner; if [si], a condition; because [quia], a cause … Black's law dictionary
Inesse potest donationi, modus, conditio sive causa; ut modus est; si conditio; quia causa — There can be manner, condition, or cause in a gift; ut is for the manner; si is for the condition; and quia for the cause … Ballentine's law dictionary
quae incontinenti fiunt inesse videntur — /kwiy inkontanentay fayant inesiy vadentar/ Things which are done incontinently [or simultaneously with an act] are supposed to be inherent [in it; to be a constituent part of it] … Black's law dictionary
qualitas quae inesse debet, facile praesumitur — /kwolataes kwiy inesiy debat, fsesaliy praz(y)uwmatar/ A quality which ought to form a part is easily presumed … Black's law dictionary
verba illata (relata) inesse videntur — /varba aleyta inesiy vadentar/°raleyta% Words referred to are to be considered as if incorporated … Black's law dictionary
verba relata hoc maxime operantur per referentiam, ut in eis inesse videntur — /varba raleyta hok maeksamiy oparaentar par refarensh(iy)am, at in iyas inesiy vadentar/ Related words [words connected with others by reference] have this particular operation by the reference, that they are considered as being inserted in those … Black's law dictionary
verba relata inesse videntur — /varba raleyta inesiy vadentar/ Words to which reference is made seem to be incorporated … Black's law dictionary
Quae incontinenti vel certo fiunt inesse videntur — Those things which are done directly and certainly are deemed to be included … Ballentine's law dictionary
Qualitas quae inesse debet, facile praesumitur — A quality which ought to belong to a thing is readily presumed … Ballentine's law dictionary
Verba illata (relata) inesse videntur — Words which are referred to are deemed to be included … Ballentine's law dictionary