- indigens
- indigēns, entis m. [ indigeo ]нуждающийся, бедняк C, Eutr, Vlg
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Liotella indigens — Taxobox name = Liotella indigens image caption = regnum = Animalia phylum = Mollusca classis = Gastropoda subclassis = Orthogastropoda superordo = Vetigastropoda superfamilia = Trochoidea familia = Cyclostrematidae genus = Liotella species = L.… … Wikipedia
Liotella indigens — Liotella indigens Clasificación científica Reino … Wikipedia Español
indigent — indigent, ente [ ɛ̃diʒɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1265; lat. indigens 1 ♦ Vieilli Qui manque des choses les plus nécessaires à la vie. ⇒ malheureux, misérable, nécessiteux, pauvre. Vieillard indigent qui vit d aumônes. Subst. Personne sans ressources. Aide… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cultigen — A cultigen (from the Latin cultus cultivated, and gens kind) is a plant that has been deliberately altered or selected by humans; it is the result of artificial selection. These man made or anthropogenic plants are, for the most part, plants of… … Wikipedia
indigente — (Del lat. indigens, ntis, necesitado.) ► adjetivo/ sustantivo masculino femenino Que no tiene lo necesario para vivir. SINÓNIMO pobre * * * indigente (del lat. «indĭgens, entis») adj. y n. Se aplica a los que no tienen lo necesario para vivir. ≃… … Enciclopedia Universal
Rhodocyclaceae — Systematik Domäne: Bakterien Abteilung: Proteobacteria Klasse: Betaproteobacteria Ordnung: Rhodo … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rhodocyclales — Rhodocyclaceae Systematik Domäne: Bakterien Abteilung: Proteobacteria Klasse: Betaproteobacteria … Deutsch Wikipedia
indigente — ● indigent, indigente adjectif et nom (latin indigens, entis, de indigere, manquer de) Qui manque des choses les plus nécessaires ; nécessiteux : Vieillard indigent. ● indigent, indigente (synonymes) adjectif et nom (latin indigens, entis, de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
indigent — indigént adj. m., pl. indigénţi; f. sg. indigéntă, pl. indigénte Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic INDIGÉNT, Ă adj. (Liv.) Lipsit, nevoiaş, sărac. [< fr. indigent … Dicționar Român
Indigent — In di*gent, a. [L. indigent, L. indigens, p. p. of indigere to stand in need of, fr. OL. indu (fr. in in) + L. egere to be needy, to need.] [1913 Webster] 1. Wanting; void; free; destitute; used with of. [Obs.] Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. Destitute… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
indigent — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Old French, from Latin indigent , indigens, present participle of indigēre to need, from Old Latin indu + Latin egēre to need; perhaps akin to Old High German echerode poor Date: 15th… … New Collegiate Dictionary