- inconsequentia
in-cōnsequentia, ae f.непоследовательность Q
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
inconsequentia — ˌinˌkän(t)sə̇ˈkwench(ē)ə noun plural Etymology: Late Latin, neuter plural of inconsequens : matters of no grave moment or significance : trivia the inconsequentia of daily life … Useful english dictionary
inconsequentia — noun Trivia; items or facts of little or no importance … Wiktionary
inconsequentia — (s.f.) Mancanza di coerenza (proprietà globale del testo che dipende dai fili semantici). incoerenza … Dizionario di retorica par stefano arduini & matteo damiani
inconsequentia — in·con·se·quen·tia … English syllables
inconséquence — [ ɛ̃kɔ̃sekɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1538; bas lat. inconsequentia 1 ♦ Manque de suite dans les idées, de réflexion dans la conduite; caractère des propos, des actes inconséquents. ⇒ étourderie, inattention, irréflexion, légèreté. « l inconséquence d une… … Encyclopédie Universelle
inconsecvenţă — INCONSECVÉNŢĂ, inconsecvenţe, s.f. Lipsă de consecvenţă în idei sau în acţiuni; neconsecvenţă, instabilitate, inconstanţă. – Din fr. inconséquence, lat. inconsequentia. Trimis de valeriu, 21.07.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 Inconsecvenţă ≠ consecvenţă… … Dicționar Român
Inkonsequenz — Ịn|kon|se|quenz 〈f. 20〉 Folgewidrigkeit, Wankelmut, Unbeständigkeit; Ggs Konsequenz * * * Ịn|kon|se|quenz [auch: … kvɛnt̮s ], die; , en [lat. inconsequentia] (bildungsspr.): das Inkonsequentsein; mangelnde Folgerichtigkeit; Widersprüchlichkeit … Universal-Lexikon
Inconsequence — In*con se*quence, n. [L. inconsequentia: cf. F. incons[ e]quence.] The quality or state of being inconsequent; lack of just or logical inference or argument; inconclusiveness. Bp. Stillingfleet. [1913 Webster] Strange, that you should not see the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Oozlum bird — The oozlum bird, also spelled ouzelum, is a legendary creature found in Australian and British folk tales and legends. Some versions have it that, when startled, the bird will take off and fly around in ever decreasing circles until it manages to … Wikipedia
Oozlefinch — noun The mascot of the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery branch, a mythical featherless, flightless bird that flies backwards to keep dust, trivia, and other inconsequentia out of his eyes … Wiktionary
inconsecuencia — ► sustantivo femenino 1 Actitud del inconsecuente: ■ la inconsecuencia de sus actos hará que le pierdan el respeto. 2 Acciones o palabras incoherentes propias de un inconsecuente: ■ tamaña inconsecuencia no es propia de una persona responsable. * … Enciclopedia Universal