Смотреть что такое "inceptus" в других словарях:
actus inceptus, cujus perfectio pendet ex voluntate partium, revocari potest; si autem pendet ex voluntate tertiae persons, vel ex contingenti, revocari non potest — /Eektas inseptas, kyuwjas parfeksh(iy)ow pendat eks volanteytiy tarshiyiy parsowniy, vel eks kontinjentay, revakeray non powtast/ An act already begun, the completion of which depends on the will of the parties, may be revoked; but if it depend… … Black's law dictionary
annus inceptus pro completo habetur — /aenas anseptas prow kampliytow habiytar/ A year begun is held as completed … Black's law dictionary
dies inceptus pro complete habetur — /dayiyz anseptas prow kampliytow habiytar/ A day begun is held as complete … Black's law dictionary
actus inceptus, cujus perfectio pendet ex voluntate partium, revocari potest; si autem pendet ex voluntate tertiae persons, vel ex contingenti, revocari non potest — /Eektas inseptas, kyuwjas parfeksh(iy)ow pendat eks volanteytiy tarshiyiy parsowniy, vel eks kontinjentay, revakeray non powtast/ An act already begun, the completion of which depends on the will of the parties, may be revoked; but if it depend… … Black's law dictionary
annus inceptus pro completo habetur — /aenas anseptas prow kampliytow habiytar/ A year begun is held as completed … Black's law dictionary
dies inceptus pro complete habetur — /dayiyz anseptas prow kampliytow habiytar/ A day begun is held as complete … Black's law dictionary
annus inceptus — The beginning of a year; the same as the completion in computing age … Ballentine's law dictionary
annus inceptus pro completo habetur — The beginning of the year is considered to be the completion of it … Ballentine's law dictionary
Dies inceptus pro completo habetur — A day begun is regarded as completed. The law does not recognize fractions of a day … Ballentine's law dictionary
incept — inceptor, n. /in sept /, v.t. to take in; ingest. [1560 70; < L inceptus ptp. of incipere to begin, undertake, equiv. to in IN 2 + cep (comb. form of cap take; see CAPTIVE) + tus ptp. suffix; sense take in by literal trans. of prefix and base] *… … Universalium
APPARES vel APARES — inferioris saeculi Scriptoribus dicuntur Epistloae generales, quae unô exemplô, paucis immutatis, ad diversos mittuntur. Anastasius in Hadriano, Apparem istius donationis per eundem Aetherium adscribi faciens. Ubi pro exemplo, seu uti dicimus,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale