- incapax
in-capāx, pācisне могущий вместить, т. е. неспособный (alicujus rei Eccl)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
incapax — in Scots law, a person who has not capacity. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 … Law dictionary
Doli incapax — Als Doli incapax (lateinisch) wurde eine widerlegbare Vermutung zugunsten der Schuldunfähigkeit von Kindern zwischen 10 und 14 Jahren im englischen Recht bezeichnet. Die Strafmündigkeit beginnt im englischen Jugendstrafrecht mit 10 Jahren. Jedoch … Deutsch Wikipedia
doll incapax — Incapable of mischief. At common law a child under seven was doll incapax; that is, he could not be guilty of felony, but between the ages of seven and fourteen he was only prima facie dots incapax; that is, if it appeared to the court and the… … Ballentine's law dictionary
doli incapax — |dōˌlīˈinkəˌpaks, iŋk adjective Etymology: Latin, incapable of deceit : incapable of guilt opposed to doli capax * * * doli incapax /dolˈi in kapˈaks/ (law) adjective Considered to be incapable (esp because too young) of intending to commit a… … Useful english dictionary
doli incapax — [ˌdɒlɪ ɪn kapaks] adjective Law deemed incapable of forming the intent to commit a crime, especially by reason of age (under ten years old). Origin L., lit. incapable of evil … English new terms dictionary
doli incapax — /dowlay inkeypaeks/ Incapable of criminal intention or malice; not of the age of discretion; not possessed of sufficient discretion and intelligence to distinguish between right and wrong to the extent of being criminally responsible for his… … Black's law dictionary
doli incapax — /dowlay inkeypaeks/ Incapable of criminal intention or malice; not of the age of discretion; not possessed of sufficient discretion and intelligence to distinguish between right and wrong to the extent of being criminally responsible for his… … Black's law dictionary
Conclusive presumption — A conclusive presumption (also known as an irrebuttable presumption) is a type of presumption used in several legal systems. England and Wales In English law, a conclusive presumption is a presumption of law that cannot be rebutted by evidence… … Wikipedia
Crime and Disorder Act 1998 — Parliament of the United Kingdom Long title An Act to make provision for preventing crime and disorder; to create certain racially aggravated offences; to abolish the rebuttable presumption that a child is doli incapax and … Wikipedia
Jugendstrafverfahren — Das Jugendstrafrecht ist Sonderstrafrecht und Sonderstrafprozessrecht für junge Täter, die sich zur Zeit ihrer Tat in dem Übergangsstadium zwischen Kindheit und Erwachsenenalter befinden. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichtlicher Abriss 2 Rechtslage… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Strafunmündigkeit — Strafmündigkeit beschreibt das Erreichen eines Alters, ab dem einem Mensch vom Gesetzgeber her zugetraut wird, die Folgen seiner Handlungen soweit zu überblicken, dass er bewusst anderen schaden kann und daher für diese Handlungen die… … Deutsch Wikipedia