Смотреть что такое "impostus" в других словарях:
impost — impost1 imposter, n. /im pohst/, n. 1. a tax; tribute; duty. 2. a customs duty. 3. Horse Racing. the weight assigned to a horse in a race. v.t. 4. to determine customs duties on, according to the kind of imports. [1560 70; < ML impostus a tax, n … Universalium
Impost — Im post, n. [OF. impost, F. impot, LL. impostus, fr. L. impostus, p. p. of imponere to impose. See {Impone}.] 1. That which is imposed or levied; a tax, tribute, or duty; especially, a duty or tax laid by goverment on goods imported into a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
impost — I im•post [[t]ˈɪm poʊst[/t]] n. 1) a tax; duty; levy 2) spo the weight assigned to a horse in a race • Etymology: 1560–70; < ML impostus a tax, var. of impositus, ptp. of impōnere to impose im′post•er, n. II im•post [[t]ˈɪm poʊst[/t]] n. 1)… … From formal English to slang
imposture — noun Etymology: Late Latin impostura, from Latin impositus, impostus, past participle of imponere Date: 1537 1. the act or practice of deceiving by means of an assumed character or name 2. an instance of imposture Synonyms: imposture, fraud, sham … New Collegiate Dictionary
Impost, der — Der Impóst, des es, plur. die en, aus dem mittlern Lat. impostus, von imponere. 1) Eine jede von der Obrigkeit verordnete Auflage, besonders auf bewegliche Güter. Die Waaren mit vielen Imposten beschweren, d.i. Zoll, Accise u.s.f. Ital. imposta,… … Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart
Impost — Im|pọst 〈m. 23; veraltet〉 Warensteuer [<lat. impositus „auferlegt“, Part. Perf. zu imponere „auferlegen“] * * * Im|pọst, der; [e]s [mlat. impostus, zu lat. impositum, 2. Part. von: imponere, ↑imponieren] (Steuerw. veraltet): Warensteuer … Universal-Lexikon
imposte — (in po st ) s. f. Terme d architecture. La dernière pierre du pied droit d une porte ou d une arcade faisant saillie sur les autres pierres, ayant ordinairement quelques moulures et sur laquelle on pose la première pierre qui commence à former le … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
импост — (лат. impostus) 1. посреден данок, данок на стока 2. арх. дел меѓу столб и свод што му обезбедува на сводот поширока подлога … Macedonian dictionary
impostor — im|pos|tor also imposter AmE [ımˈpɔstə US ımˈpa:stər] n [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: impostus, past participle of imponere; IMPOSE] someone who pretends to be someone else in order to trick people ▪ The nurse was soon discovered to be an… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Impost — Im|post der; [e]s <aus mlat. impostus »Betrug«, eigtl. Part. Perf. von lat. imponere »hintergehen, täuschen«> (veraltet) Warensteuer … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
impost — (n.) tax, duty, 1560s, from M.Fr. impost, from M.L. impostum, from neut. of L. impostus, contracted from impositus, pp. of imponere (see IMPOSTOR (Cf. impostor)) … Etymology dictionary