impedimentum — impedimèntum m DEFINICIJA 1. ono što smeta, što ometa normalno odvijanje stvari; prepreka, zapreka, smetnja, teškoća 2. kat. smetnja (zapreka) za dopušteno i valjano sklapanje braka ETIMOLOGIJA lat. impedimentum ≃ impedire: staviti noge u… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Impedimentum — kliūtys statusas T sritis gyvūnų raida, augimas, ontogenezė, embriologija atitikmenys: lot. Impedimentum ryšiai: platesnis terminas – ląstelių sąveikos nenormalumai … Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai
Impedimentum — kliūtys statusas T sritis embriologija pavyzdys( iai) fenilketonùrija atitikmenys: lot. Impedimentum ryšiai: platesnis terminas – ląstelių sąveikos nenormalumai … Medicininės histologijos ir embriologijos vardynas
IMPEDIMENTUM — n. m. Mot emprunté au latin. Objet, circonstance qui empêche, qui retarde, qui fait obstacle. On use même, dans ce sens, du pluriel latin IMPEDIMENTA. Les impedimenta d’un long voyage. Il se dit spécialement, en termes militaires, de Tout ce qui… … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
non praestat impedimentum quod de jure non sortitur effectum — /non priystat ampedamentam kwod diy juriy non sortatar afektam/ A thing which has no effect in law is not an impediment … Black's law dictionary
non valet impedimentum quod de jure non sortitur effectum — /non vaelat ampedamentam kwod diy jiiriy non sortatar afektam/ An impediment which does not derive its effect from law is of no force … Black's law dictionary
non praestat impedimentum quod de jure non sortitur effectum — /non priystat ampedamentam kwod diy juriy non sortatar afektam/ A thing which has no effect in law is not an impediment … Black's law dictionary
non valet impedimentum quod de jure non sortitur effectum — /non vaelat ampedamentam kwod diy jiiriy non sortatar afektam/ An impediment which does not derive its effect from law is of no force … Black's law dictionary
ubi aliquid impeditur propter unum, eo remote, tollitur impedimentum — /yuwbay xlakwad impiydatar proptar jniwnam, iyow ramowtow, tolatar impedamentow/ Where anything is impeded by one single cause, if that be removed, the impediment is removed … Black's law dictionary
Non valet impedimentum quod de jure non sortitur effectum — An impediment or bar which has no effect in law will not avail … Ballentine's law dictionary
Ubi aliquid impeditur propter unum, eo remoto, tollitur impedimentum — Where anything is impeded by reason of one thing, with the removal of that, the impediment is removed … Ballentine's law dictionary