- Iapydes
Iāpydēs, um m.иапиды, кельт. племя в Иллирии, во II в. до н. э. покорённое римлянами и при Августе включённое в состав Либурнии L, C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Iapydes — The Iapydes (or Iapodes, Japodes) were an ancient people who dwelt north of and inland from the Liburnians, off the Adriatic coast and eastwards of the Istrian peninsula. They occupied the interior of the country between the Colapis (Kupa) and… … Wikipedia
Iapydes — L Illyrie au Ve s. av.J.C. Les Iapydes (en grec, Ιάποδες , aussi connu comme Iapodes ou Giapides Japydes), étaient un peuple ancien de langue indo européenne qui habitait l intérieur de la région orientale de l Adriatique, au nord du territoire… … Wikipédia en Français
Campagne d'Octavien en Illyrie (35-33 av. J.-C.) — Campagne d Octavien en Illyrie Zone concernée par la campagne d Octavien Informations générales Date 35 à 33 … Wikipédia en Français
Campagne d'Octavien en Illyrie — Zone concernée par la campagne d Octavien Informations générales Date 35 à 33 av. J. C. Lieu Dalmatie … Wikipédia en Français
129 BC — NOTOC EventsBy placeRome* Kingdom of Pergamon, including Hierapolis, becomes the Roman Province of Asia upon death of last Attalid king, Attalos III, and after the defeat of the pretender Aristonicus by M. Perperna, with Cappadocian assistance. * … Wikipedia
Aquileia — Comune Comune di Aquileia The Basilica of Aq … Wikipedia
Hostius — Hostius, was a Roman epic poet, who probably flourished in the 2nd century BC.He was the author of a Bellum Histricum in at least seven books, of which only a few fragments remain. The poem is probably intended to celebrate the victory gained in… … Wikipedia
Dalmatae — History of Dalmatia This article is part of a series Antiquity … Wikipedia
Liburnia — in ancient geography was the land of the Liburnians, a region along the northeastern Adriatic coast in Europe, which is today part of Croatia, whose borders shifted according to the extent of Liburnian dominance at a given time between 11th and… … Wikipedia
Taurisci — 19th century map of the Lower Danube Region in the Roman era, Taurisci settling in the Noricum Province The Taurisci were a federation of Celtic tribes who dwelt in today s northern Slovenia (Carniola) before the coming of the … Wikipedia
Japyger — Die Japyger (vom lateinischen Iapydes griech. Japyx) waren ein Volk, wahrscheinlich illyrischer Herkunft, das im 2. oder 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. die heutige italienische Region Apulien besiedelte. Die Illyrer, die von der anderen Seite der Adria… … Deutsch Wikipedia