- Hyrtacus
ī m.Гиртак1) троянец, которому Приам, женившись на Гекубе, отдал свою первую жену Арисбу; отец Асия и Ниса V2) троянец, отец Гиппокоонта V,
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
HYRTACUS — urbs Craetae. Steph. Idem Hyrtacus, a quo Hyrtacedes. Virg. Aen. l. 9. v. 406. vir Troianus ex Ida monte, qui fil. habuit Nisum Aeneae comitem … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Hyrtacus — In Greek mythology, Hyrtacus is an obscure character, associated with the Trojan War. He was a comrade of King Priam of Troy. Hyrtacus married Arisbe, daughter of King Merops of Percote, after Priam had divorced her to marry Hecabe. Hyrtacus s… … Wikipedia
Sovia hyrtacus — Taxobox | name = Bicolour Ace ( Sovia hyrtacus ) status = image width = 240px image caption = regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Lepidoptera familia = Hesperiidae subfamilia = Hesperiinae genus = Sovia species = S.… … Wikipedia
ГИРТАК — • Hyrtăcus, Ύγτακος, 1. троянец, которому Приам оставил свою первую супругу Арисбу, женившись на Гекубе; отец Асия и Ниса. Ноm. Il. 2, 837. 13, 759. 771. Verg. Aen. 9, 177. 406; 2. отец Гиппокоонта … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Percote — was a town or city on the southern (Asian) side of the Hellespont, to the northeast of Troy. Percote is mentioned a few times in Greek mythology, where it plays a very minor role each time. It was said to be the home of a notable seer named… … Wikipedia
Asius (mythology) — In Greek mythology, Asius refers to two people who fought during the Trojan War:* Asius ( Asios ) son of Hyrtacus was the leader of the Trojan allies that hailed from, on, or near the Dardanelles (Iliad, 2.835 840). He was a son of Hyrtacus and… … Wikipedia
Троада в древнегреческой мифологии — Приам, просящий у Ахиллеса тело Гектора. Троада регион города Троя. Содержание 1 Введение … Википедия
Dymas — In Greek mythology, Dymas is the name attributed to at least four individuals. Contents 1 Dymas (father of Hecuba) 2 Dymas (father of Hecuba or Meges) 3 Dymas (Dorian) 4 … Wikipedia
Nisus — ni·sus n. pl. nisus An effort or endeavor to realize an aim. [Latin nisus, from past participle of niti, to strive.] [1] In classical mythology, Nisus (or Nisos) may refer to: Nisus of Nisus and Euryalus, son of Hyrtacus, lover of Euryalus, in… … Wikipedia
List of cultural references in The Divine Comedy — The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri is a long allegorical poem in three parts or canticas (or cantiche ), Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise), and 100 cantos, with the Inferno having 34, Purgatorio 33, and Paradiso 33 … Wikipedia
Asius — may refer to:* Asius Hyrtacides son of Hyrtacus. * Asius (son of Dymas). * Asius of Samos, an ancient Greek genealogical poet. * Asius (wasp) , a genus of gelinine wasps. * an Osian … Wikipedia