- hypate
hypatē, ēs f. (греч.)самая низкая струна, дающая самый низкий тон Vtr
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
HYPATE — Graece Υ῾πάτη, locus τῆς Αἰνιακῆς χώρας, apud Aristot. in Admirandis c. 130. de quo vide Salmas. ad Solin. p. 286. ubi Camertem, ex Hypate Ins. Herculem Geryonis boves abduxise contendentem, paucis refellit. Hypaea vero, una Stoechadum est, de… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
hypate — /hipˈə tē/ (Gr music) noun The lowest string of the lyre, or its tone ORIGIN: Gr hypatē highest (fem), prob as having the longest string … Useful english dictionary
Hypăte — Hypăte, s. Griechische Musik, S. 328 … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Hypate — In Greek mythology, Hypate (Ὑπάτη) was one of the three Muses of the lyre who were worshipped at Delphi, where the Temple of Apollo and the Oracle were located. Her name was also the highest of the seven notes of the lyre. Her sisters who were… … Wikipedia
hypate — (i pa t ) s. f. Terme de musique ancienne. La corde la plus grave de la lyre et des deux tétracordes les plus bas. ÉTYMOLOGIE Terme grec signifiant la dernière corde … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Musiktheorie im antiken Griechenland — Die antike griechische Theorie der Musik war hochentwickelt. Bemüht war man bereits um die Ausformulierung eines Tonsystems, verwendete eine differenzierte Notierung der Tonhöhen und führte ausgiebige Diskussionen über mögliche ethische und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tetrachord — Traditionally, a tetrachord is a series of four tones filling in the interval of a perfect fourth, a 4:3 frequency proportion. In modern usage a tetrachord is any four note segment of a scale or tone row. The term tetrachord derives from ancient… … Wikipedia
Diatonic genus — In ancient Greek music theory, the diatonic genus (Greek: διατονικό γένος) is the division of the tetrachord from which the modern diatonic scale evolved. The distinguishing characteristic of the diatonic genus is that its largest interval is… … Wikipedia
Chromatic genus — In Ancient Greek music theory, the chromatic genus (Greek: χρωματικό γένος or χρωματική) (also known as chrōma, from the Greek word χρώμα, colour ) is a genus of the tetrachord characterized by an upper interval of a minor third. The two middle… … Wikipedia
Musical mode — This article is about modes as used in music. For other uses, see Mode (disambiguation). Modern Dorian mode on C Play … Wikipedia
Enharmonic genus — The enharmonic genus has historically been the most mysterious and controversial of the three Greek genera. Its characteristic interval is a major third, leaving the remainder of the tetrachord (the pyknon ) to be divided by two intervals smaller … Wikipedia