- humiliter
- [ humilis ]1) низко, невысоко (rami humilius servandi sunt Pall)2) унижённо, трусливо, смиренно, раболепно (sentire C; servire L)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Saint Ignatius' College, Riverview — Infobox Aust school private name = Saint Ignatius College, Riverview motto = Quantum Potes Tantum Aude (Latin: As much as you can do, so much dare to do )cite web|url = http://www.riverview.nsw.edu.au/prospectus/p mission.php|title =Mission… … Wikipedia
List of compositions by Heinrich Schütz — There are almost 500 known compositions by Heinrich Schütz. Listed here are most of his compositions in the order of the SWV (Schütz Werke Verzeichnisses) catalog.Choral WorksItalian MadrigalsOpus 1 Venice 1611* SWV 001 O primavera * SWV 002 O… … Wikipedia
Schütz-Werke-Verzeichnis — Das Schütz Werke Verzeichnis (SWV) ist das von Werner Bittinger entworfene Verzeichnis der Werke des Komponisten Heinrich Schütz. Es ordnet die Werke im Wesentlichen chronologisch, also in der Reihenfolge ihrer Entstehung. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Il … Deutsch Wikipedia
Vincenzo Bertolone — Catanzaro Squillace Archevêque de Catanzaro Squillace Naissance 17 novembre 1946 (1946 11 17) (65 ans) à San Biagio Platani ( … Wikipédia en Français
bas — I. Bas, m. Depressus, Ce mot semble estre prins du mot Grec Basis, qui signifie le bas de toutes choses et soustenement, Depressus. Qui est le plus bas entre autres choses, Infimus, Imus. Lieu plus bas, Depressior locus. De puis le fin bas, Ab… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Brasenose College, Oxford — Oxford College Infobox name = Brasenose College university = Oxford picture = primary colour = black colours = full name = The King s Hall and College of Brasenose named for = Bronze door knocker name Latin = aula regia et collegium aenei nasi… … Wikipedia
Jacques de Molay — Infobox Person name = Jacques de Molay caption = birth date = 1244–5/1249–50 birth place = death date = 1314 03 18 death place = Paris, France other names = known for = Grand Master of the Knights Templar occupation = nationality =… … Wikipedia
List of ecclesiastical abbreviations — The words most commonly abbreviated at all times are proper names, titles (official or customary), of persons or corporations, and words of frequent occurrence. A list of those used in Roman Republican and early Imperial times may be seen in… … Wikipedia
Ingelmarius — was a Norman knight of humble origins who served Roger I, the count of Sicily. In reward for his good service to Roger, Ingelmarius was given the hand of the widow of Roger s nephew Serlo II of Hauteville, the lady Altruda of Boiano. In addition… … Wikipedia
Latin Psalters — The Latin Psalters are the translations of the Book of Psalms into the Latin language. They are the premier liturgical resource used in the Liturgy of the Hours of the Latin Rites of the Roman Catholic Church. These translations are typically… … Wikipedia
Komplet — Die Komplet (lat. completorium ‚Schlussandacht‘) ist das Nachtgebet im Stundengebet der Christenheit. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Die Komplet nach der Liturgiereform des Zweiten Vatikanums 2 Die traditionelle Komplet und Luthers Abendsegen 3 … Deutsch Wikipedia