
hūmig- v. l. = umig-

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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  • Flossie Page — Flossie E. Page (Haven, Kansas, June 12, 1893 – Butler County, Kansas, February 22, 2006) [Social Security Death Index; 509689388] was an American supercentenarian who broke the record for the oldest person of Kansas on record on February 9, 2006 …   Wikipedia

  • CXCL9 — Chemokine (C X C motif) ligand 9 (CXCL9) is a small cytokine belonging to the CXC chemokine family that is also known as Monokine induced by gamma interferon (MIG). CXCL9 is a T cell chemoattractant, which is induced by IFN γ. It is closely… …   Wikipedia

  • List of supercentenarians from the United States — This is a list of supercentenarians from the United States. According to the GRG, there have been over 500 verified American supercentenarians (people from the United States who have attained the age of 110 or greater.)[citation needed] As of… …   Wikipedia

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