Non in regno Angliae providetur, vel est aliqua... — (Non in regno Angliae providetur, vel est aliqua securitas major vel solennior, per quam aliquis statum certiorem habere possit, neque ad statum suum verificandum aliquid solennius testimonium producere, quam finem in curia domini regis levatum;… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Unguem latum transversum non discedere a re aliqua. — См. На ноготок … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Nullus est liber tam malus, ut non aliqua parte prosit. — См. Нет худа без добра … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Nullus est liber tam malus, ut non aliqua parte prosit! — См. Стихи на разные потребы … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
INCIVILE EST, NISI TOTA LEGE PERSPECTA, UNA ALIQUA PARTICULA EIUS PROPOSITA IUDICARE VEL RESPONDERE — – неправильно, не рассмотрев закона в целом, вынести суждение или дать заключение, остановившись на какой либо частице закона … Советский юридический словарь
electiones riant rite et libere sine interruptione aliqua — /alekshiyowniyz faysnt raytiy et libsriy sayniy intarapshiyowniy slakwa/ Elections should be made in due form, and freely, without any interrelation … Black's law dictionary
incivile est, nisi tota lege perspecta, una aliqua particula ejus proposita, judicare, vel respondere — /insivaliy est, naysay towts liyjiy psrspekts, yuwna aelakws partikysla iyjas prapozsta, juwdakeriy, vel raspondiriy/ It is improper, without looking at the whole of a law, to give judgment or advice, upon a view of any one clause of it … Black's law dictionary
incivile est, nisi tota sententia inspecta, de aliqua parte judicare — /hjsivaliy est, naysay towta santensh(iy)a inspekta, diy aelakwa partly juwdakeriy/ It is irregular, or legally improper, to pass an opinion upon any part of a sentence, without examining the whole … Black's law dictionary
Injustum est, nisi tota lege inspects, de una aliqua ejus particula proposita judicare vel respondere — /injastam est, naysay towta liyjiy inspekta, diy yiiwna abbkwa iyjas partik(y)ab prapozata juwdakeriy vel respondiriy/ It is unjust to decide or respond as to any particular part of a law without examining the whole of the law … Black's law dictionary
maihemium est membri mutilatio, et dici poterit, ubi aliquis in aliqua parte sui corporis effectus sit inutilis ad pugnandum — /meyhiym(i)yam est membray myiiwdaleysh(iy)ow, et daysay potarat, yiiwbay aebkwis in aslakwa partly syuway korparas afektas sit inyuwtabs aed pagnaendam/ Mayhem is the mutilation of a member, and can be said to take place when a man is injured in … Black's law dictionary
minor qui infra aetatem 12 annorum fuerit uteagari non potest, nee extra legem poni, quia ante talem aetatem, non est sub lege aliqua, nee in decenna — /maynar kway infra ateytam d(y)uwodasam anoram fyuwarat atlageray non powtast, nek ekstra liyjam pownay, kwaya aentiy teylam ateytam, non est sab liyjiy ablakwa nek in dasena/ A minor who is under twelve years of age cannot be outlawed, nor… … Black's law dictionary