- Hicetas
Hicetās, ae m.Гикет, родом из Сиракуз, пифагореец, учивший о круговом движении Земли C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Hicetas — (ca. 400 BC ndash; ca. 335 BC) was a Greek philosopher of the Pythagorean School. He was born in Syracuse. Like his fellow Pythagorean Ecphantus and the Academic Heraclides Ponticus, he believed that the daily movement of permanent stars was… … Wikipedia
HICETAS — Syracusanus, priscus Philosophus, Terram moveri credidit. Diog. Laert. in Philolao, l. 8 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Hicétas — École pythagoricienne L’école pythagoricienne est une école philosophique de l’Antiquité fondée par Pythagore. Écoles de l’Antiquité École milésienne École pythagoricienne Atomisme École éléatique Sophistique … Wikipédia en Français
Hicetas de Leontino — (griego: Ἱκέτας o Ἱκέτης) fue un gobernante griego nacido en Siracusa, contemporáneo de Dionisio II y de Timoleón. Era amigo de Dion y a su muerte (353 a. C.) Arete la viuda, y Aristómaco, el hijo, quedaron bajo protección de Hicetas; este al… … Wikipedia Español
Hicetas (general) — Hicetas (Greek: polytonic|Ίκέτας or polytonic|Ίκέτης) was a Syracusan general, contemporary with the younger Dionysius and Timoleon. He is first mentioned as a friend of Dion, after whose death (353 BCE), his wife, Arete, and his sister… … Wikipedia
Hicetas (disambiguation) — Hicetas may refer to:*Hicetas, a Pythagorean philosopher from Syracusae Sicily *Hicetas (tyrant of Syracuse), Tyrant of Syracusae, 289 BCE 278 BCE *Hicetas (general), a military leader of Syracusae, fl. c. 353 BCE 344 BCE *Hicetas (Orchomenus), a … Wikipedia
Hicetas (tyrant of Syracuse) — Hicetas (Greek: polytonic|Ίκέτας or polytonic|Ίκέτης), was tyrant of Syracuse, during the interval between the reign of Agathocles and that of Pyrrhus. After the death of Agathocles (289 BCE), his supposed assassin, Maenon, put to death… … Wikipedia
ИКЕТ — • Hicĕtas или Icetas, Ίκέτης: 1. тиран города Леонтин. Сиракузяне призвали его на помощь против Дионисия Младшего, но когда заметили, что он намерен сам завладеть городом, они обратились к коринфянам за помощью. И. был разбит… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Timoleon — (Greek: Τιμολέων), son of Timodemus, of Corinth (ca. 411–337 BC) was a Greek statesman and general.As the champion of Greece against Carthage he is closely connected with the history of Sicily, especially Syracuse. When his brother Timophanes,… … Wikipedia
Timoleón — (griego: Τιμολέων) de Corinto (c. 411–337 a. C.), hijo de Timodemo, fue un estadista y general griego. Biografía Al ser reconocido como el campeón de Grecia en contra de Cartago, se lo asocia con la historia de … Wikipedia Español
Elymnias — Elymnias … Wikipédia en Français