- hexagonum
hexagōnum (-ium), ī n. и hexagōnus, ī m. (греч.)шестиугольник Col, Cens, Eccl
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Zygophyllidium hexagonum (Nutt. ex Spreng.) Small — Symbol EUHE5 Synonym Symbol ZYHE Botanical Family Euphorbiaceae … Scientific plant list
Zygophyllidium hexagonum (Nutt. ex Spreng.) Small — Symbol EUHE5 Synonym Symbol ZYHE Botanical Family Euphorbiaceae … Scientific plant list
hexagone — [ ɛgzagɔn; gon ] n. m. • 1651; exagone « hexagonal » 1377; lat. d o. gr. hexagonus; cf. 1. gone 1 ♦ Polygone à six angles et six côtés. Hexagone régulier. 2 ♦ (1934) L H EXAGONE : la France métropolitaine (à cause de la forme de la carte de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Hexágono — (Del gr. hex, seis + gonia, ángulo.) ► adjetivo/ sustantivo masculino GEOMETRÍA Se aplica al polígono que tiene seis ángulos y seis lados. TAMBIÉN exágono * * * hexágono, a (del lat. «hexagōnum», del gr. «hexágōnos») 1 adj. Geom. Hexagonal. 2 m.… … Enciclopedia Universal
Hexagon — Sechseck * * * He|xa|gon 〈n. 11; Geom.〉 Sechseck [<grch. hex „sechs“ + gonia „Winkel“] * * * He|xa|gon, das; s, e [lat. hexagonum < spätgriech. hexágōnon, zu: gōni̓a = Winkel, Ecke] (Geom.): Sechseck. * * * Hexagon [griechisch] das, s/ e … Universal-Lexikon
Hexagon — Hex a*gon, n. [L. hexagonum, Gr. ? six cornered; e x six (akin to E. six) + ? angle.] (Geom.) A plane figure of six angles. [1913 Webster] {Regular hexagon}, a hexagon in which the angles are all equal, and the sides are also all equal. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Regular hexagon — Hexagon Hex a*gon, n. [L. hexagonum, Gr. ? six cornered; e x six (akin to E. six) + ? angle.] (Geom.) A plane figure of six angles. [1913 Webster] {Regular hexagon}, a hexagon in which the angles are all equal, and the sides are also all equal.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tusk shell — The tusk shells or scaphopods are a class of marine mollusks which vary in size from very small to medium sized. The scientific name of this class is Scaphopoda, meaning shovel footed . These mollusks live on soft substrates offshore (usually not … Wikipedia
List of Epidendrum species — This is a list of the accepted names of Epidendrum orchids. It is a large list, containing over 1,100 species.Epidendrum L., (1763). A * Epidendrum abbottii L.Sánchez Hágsater, (2001). * Epidendrum acreense (Brieger Bicalho) Christenson, (1991).… … Wikipedia
Parathranites — Taxobox name = Parathranites regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda subphylum = Crustacea classis = Malacostraca ordo = Decapoda familia = Portunidae genus = Parathranites genus authority = Miers, 1886 subdivision ranks = Species subdivision =… … Wikipedia
Epidendrum — Epidendrum … Wikipédia en Français