
hēricius v. l. = ericius

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "hericius" в других словарях:

  • HERICIUS seu HERINACEUS — HERICIUS, seu HERINACEUS in cibis, apud Damirem, Scriptorem Arab. c. de Reptil. Tum autem carnem eius iucundam esse, si capite percusso uno ictu interficiatur, prisquam in se urinam reddat, tradit Plin. l. 30. c. 8. qui idem prolixe animal hoc… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • herce — Herce, f. pen. Est une maniere de porte coulisse, faicte à claires voyes de plusieurs barreaux ou chevronots contretraversans en esquierre l un l autre, traversez de grosses chevilles de fer poinctuës, sortans bien avant au dehors en maniere de… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • hérisson — (hé ri son) s. m. 1°   Genre de mammifères qui se nourrissent d insectes et de fruits, et dont la peau est couverte de piquants longs et roides formés de poils agglomérés, famille des insectivores ; on y distingue le hérisson de nos pays,… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Archenfield — is the historic English name for an area of southern and western Herefordshire in England. Since the Anglo Saxons took over the region in the 8th century, it has stretched between the River Monnow and River Wye, but it derives from the once much… …   Wikipedia

  • hérisson — [ erisɔ̃ ] n. m. • XVIe; heriçun v. 1120; du lat. (h)ericius 1 ♦ Petit mammifère d Eurasie (insectivores), au corps couvert de piquants. Le hérisson se roule en boule (⇒ volvation) et hérisse ses piquants à l approche du danger. 2 ♦ Fig. Personne …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • PELECANUS vel PELICANUS — Hebr. Kaath, a vomitu, quia conchas iam absorptas revomit, Postquam calore ventris apertae sunt, ut ex iis esculenta legat: avis est, onocrotalo adeo similis, ut etiam doctissimi ambas has non raro confundant. In his Oppianus Ixeutic. ubi… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • urchin — [13] Urchin originally meant ‘hedgehog’. It was borrowed from Old Northern French herichon, which came via Vulgar Latin *hēriciō from Latin hērīcius or ērīcius ‘hedgehog’, a derivative of ēr ‘hedgehog’. This ancestral sense now survives only… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • urchin — [ ə:tʃɪn] noun 1》 a child who is poorly or raggedly dressed. 2》 dialect a hedgehog. 3》 a sea urchin. Origin ME hirchon, urchon hedgehog , from Old North. Fr. herichon, based on L. hericius hedgehog …   English new terms dictionary

  • herisson — Herisson, Herinaceus, Echinus, Herix, Hericius …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • urchin — ► NOUN 1) a mischievous child, especially a raggedly dressed one. 2) archaic a goblin. 3) a sea urchin. ORIGIN Old French herichon hedgehog , from Latin hericius …   English terms dictionary

  • urchin — [13] Urchin originally meant ‘hedgehog’. It was borrowed from Old Northern French herichon, which came via Vulgar Latin *hēriciō from Latin hērīcius or ērīcius ‘hedgehog’, a derivative of ēr ‘hedgehog’. This ancestral sense now survives only… …   Word origins

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