Algeo — This interesting and curious surname has two possible origins. In former times, a family of the name Algie, Algoe, had considerable estates in Renfrewshire, and were of Italian origin, the first of them having come from Rome, in the suite of one… … Surnames reference
Thomas Algeo Rowley — was a Union Army general in the American Civil War from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Early lifeThomas Rowley was born in Pittsburgh on October 5, 1808. He served as a captain in the Mexican American War, mustered in on October 8, 1847 and mustered… … Wikipedia
American and British English differences — For the Wikipedia editing policy on use of regional variants in Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Manual of style#National varieties of English. This is one of a series of articles about the differences between British English and American English, which … Wikipedia
Bert Bell — Bell (center) with Washington Redskins … Wikipedia
Late Devonian extinction — … Wikipedia
Девонское вымирание — Необходимо проверить качество перевода и привести статью в соответствие со стилистическими правилами Википедии. Вы можете помочь … Википедия
Dumbing down — is a pejorative term for a perceived trend to lower the intellectual content of literature, education, news, and other aspects of culture. According to John Algeo, former editor of American Speech, the neologism dumb down meaning revise so as to… … Wikipedia
Stunt word — A Stunt word is a term for a word created to artificially suggest importance, or coined merely to demonstrate how clever the coiner is. Examples are gloatation , titterosity , and truthiness (the last generally being attributed to Stephen… … Wikipedia
D.T. Suzuki — Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (jap.: 鈴木 大拙 Suzuki Daisetsu, * 18. Oktober 1870 in Kanazawa als 鈴木 貞太郎 Suzuki Teitarō, Japan; † 12. Juli 1966 in Tokio, Japan) war ein bekannter Autor von Büchern über den Zen Buddhismus. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
D. T. Suzuki — Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (jap.: 鈴木 大拙 Suzuki Daisetsu, * 18. Oktober 1870 in Kanazawa als 鈴木 貞太郎 Suzuki Teitarō, Japan; † 12. Juli 1966 in Tokio, Japan) war ein bekannter Autor von Büchern über den Zen Buddhismus. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Daisetsu Teitarō Suzuki — Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (jap.: 鈴木 大拙 Suzuki Daisetsu, * 18. Oktober 1870 in Kanazawa als 鈴木 貞太郎 Suzuki Teitarō, Japan; † 12. Juli 1966 in Tokio, Japan) war ein bekannter Autor von Büchern über den Zen Buddhismus. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben und… … Deutsch Wikipedia