- Helvidius
a, um римск. nomen J
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Helvidius — was the author of a work written before 383 against the belief in the perpetual virginity of Mary. Helvidius maintained that the mention in the Gospels of the sisters and brethren of our Lord was proof that the Blessed Virgin had subsequent issue … Wikipedia
Helvidius — Helvidius, 1) eine wahrscheinlich aus Samnium stammende römische Familie, in welcher merkwürdig ist: H. Priscus, ein in den Wissenschaften, bes. in der Stoischen Philosophie, bewanderter Mann, lebte unter Nero in Rom, wurde Quästor, Prätor u. 56… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
HELVIDIUS — I. HELVIDIUS Siciliae Praetor, a Constantino victus, A. C. 781. II. HELVIDIUS auctor Antidicomarianitarum, Mariam virginem, post natum Servatorum, liberos ex Iosepho suscepisse statuit, etc. Epiphan. Haer. 78. Augustin. haer. 56. et 84. Bar. A. C … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Helvidius Priscus — Helvidius Priscus, Stoic philosopher and statesman, lived during the reigns of Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius and Vespasian.Like his father in law, Thrasea Paetus, he was distinguished for his ardent and courageous republicanism. Although he… … Wikipedia
Helvidius Priscus — Gaius Helvidius Priscus war ein stoischer Philosoph und Politiker, der während der Regierungszeit der römischen Kaiser Nero und Vespasian lebte. Wie sein Schwiegervater Publius Clodius Thrasea Paetus war er angesehen für seinen leidenschaftlichen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Helvidius Group — The Helvidius Group is a publisher based at Columbia University, New York whose primary activity is the editing, publication, and distribution of the annual undergraduate journal in the social sciences, the Journal of Politics Society . Since… … Wikipedia
Helvidius Priscus — ▪ Roman senator [died AD 79] died AD 70, and 79 a Roman Stoic who forcefully upheld his principle that the emperor should act only with the consent of the Senate. Though the son of a centurion, he rose to the Senate in the reign of… … Universalium
Gaius Helvidius Priscus — († um 71 oder 74) war ein stoischer Philosoph und Politiker, der während der Regierungszeit der römischen Kaiser Nero und Vespasian lebte. Wie sein Schwiegervater Publius Clodius Thrasea Paetus war er angesehen für seinen leidenschaftlichen und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
PRISCUS Helvidius — sub Nerone Quaestor Achaiam administravit, quaestoriusque adhuc a Paeto Thrasea gener adscitus, ab eius moribus nihil aeque ac libertatem hausit, opum contemptor, recti pervicax, constans adversus metus; de quo Iuvenal. Sat. 5. v. 36. Quale… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Plinius der Jüngere — Überreste eines Gedenksteins für Plinius den Jüngeren in der Basilica di Sant Ambrogio in Mailand, 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr.[1] Gaiu … Deutsch Wikipedia
Journal of Politics & Society — Infobox Journal discipline = Social sciences language = English abbreviation = JPS publisher = Helvidius Group country = United States frequency = Annual history = 1989 Present openaccess = Full text online archives available after a moving wall… … Wikipedia