Смотреть что такое "Helvetii" в других словарях:
HELVETII — gens nobilissima cuius caput Aventicum olim, unâ cum Sequanis, Celtis sive Gallis proprie dictis attribuuntur a Caefare l. 1. c. 1. 2. et 3. qui illos reliquos Gallos virtute praecedere, omnibusque praestare, et totius Galliae plurimum posse ait … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Helvetii — [hel vē′shē ī΄] pl.n. [L] the members of the Celtic people that lived in ancient Helvetia at the time of the reign of Julius Caesar … English World dictionary
Helvetii — The Helvetii were a Celtic tribe and the main occupants of the Swiss plateau in the 1st century BC. They are prominently featured in Julius Caesar’s commentaries on the Gallic War. The Neolatin title of Switzerland, Confoederatio Helvetica… … Wikipedia
Helvetii — /hel vee shee uy /, n.pl. the ancient Celtic inhabitants of Helvetia in the time of Julius Caesar. [1890 95; < L] * * * ▪ people a Celtic people who, under pressure from Germanic peoples in the 2nd century BC, migrated from southern Germany … Universalium
Helvetii — noun plural Etymology: Latin Date: 1781 an early Celtic people in the area of western Switzerland at the time of Julius Caesar … New Collegiate Dictionary
HELVETII — a Celtic people mentioned by Cæsar as occupying territory in Central Europe now embraced in Switzerland; they suffered tremendous slaughter at the hands of Cæsar when endeavouring to make their way to a wider territory in Southern Gaul … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Helvetii — n. ancient Celtic people who came from southern Germany and inhabited western Switzerland during the Julius Caesar period … English contemporary dictionary
helvetii — hel·ve·tii … English syllables
Helvetii — Hel•ve•ti•i [[t]hɛlˈvi ʃiˌaɪ[/t]] n. pl. peo a Celtic people who inhabited most of what is now Switzerland at the time of Julius Caesar • Etymology: 1890–95; < L … From formal English to slang
Helvetii — /hɛlˈviʃiaɪ/ (say hel veesheeuy) plural noun the ancient inhabitants of Helvetia, an Alpine region in Roman times, in the time of Julius Caesar. {Latin} …
helvetii — helˈvēshēˌī noun plural Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Latin : an early Celtic people of western Switzerland in the time of Julius Caesar … Useful english dictionary