- Hellespontus
Hellēspontus, ī m.1) Геллеспонт (ныне Дарданеллы) C, O2) берега Геллеспонта C, Nep, L
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
HELLESPONTUS — fretum angustum inter Propontidem, et mare Aegaeum, Asiam ab Europa septem non amplius stadiorum intervallo disterminans. Stretto di Gallipoli, Castaldo, Braccio di S. Georgio. Volater. Baudr. inter Thraciam et Asiam min. Extenditur a Sept. in… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Hellespontus — geographical name see Dardanelles … New Collegiate Dictionary
Hellespontus — /hel euh spon tis/, n. an area in the southern hemisphere of Mars. * * * … Universalium
Hellespontus — /hel euh spon tis/, n. an area in the southern hemisphere of Mars … Useful english dictionary
Hellespont, Hellespontus — geographical name see Dardanelles … New Collegiate Dictionary
ГЕЛЛЕСПОНТ — • Hellespontus, Έλλήσποντος, назывался пролив, разделявший фракийский Херсонес от Азии (Троады, Малой Фригии). Он получил, по преданию, свое название от дочери Атаманта и Нефелы, Геллы, на пути в Колхиду свалившейся с златорунного… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Cyzicus — • A titular see of Asia Minor, metropolitan of the ancient ecclesiastical province of Hellespontus Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Cyzicus Cyzicus … Catholic encyclopedia
PROVINCIA Romana — et Provincia simpliciter, Caesari la Provenza, regio Galliae Narbonensis, inter Rhodanum et Alpes maritimas, in qua Galloligures Straboni. Ubi Aquae, Arelatum, et Avenio, metropoles. Ausonius: Fusa per immensum quondam Provincia regnum. Baudrando … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Cyzicus — was a town of Mysia. Cyzicus (Greek: Κύζικος, Kyzikos; Ottoman Turkish: آیدینجق, Aydıncıḳ) was an ancient town of Mysia in Anatolia in the current Balıkesir Province of Turkey. It was located on the shore … Wikipedia
Lydia — This article is about the ancient kingdom in Anatolia. For other uses, see Lydia (disambiguation). Lydia (Λυδία) Ancient Region of Anatolia Byzantine shops at Sardis … Wikipedia
Parium — (or Parion) was a Greek city in Mysia on the Hellespont. It became a Roman Catholic titular see, suffragan of Cyzicus in the Roman province of Hellespontus.HistoryLocated near Lampsacus, it was a colony probably founded by Eretria and Paros. It… … Wikipedia