- haedinus
haedīnus, a, um [ haedus ]снятый с козлёнка (pellicula C); козий (coagulum Vr)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
agʷh-no-s (*hegʷh-no-s ) — agʷh no s (*hegʷh no s ) English meaning: “lamb” Deutsche Übersetzung: “Lamm” Note: (z. T. also *agʷnos?) It seems that from Root aĝ : “to lead, *drive cattle” derived Root agʷh no s : “lamb”. Material: Note: The old… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
Taphozous perforatus — Taphozous perforatus … Wikipédia en Français
ghaido- or ĝhaido- — ghaido or ĝhaido English meaning: goat Deutsche Übersetzung: “Ziegenbock, Ziege” Material: Lat. haedus, ī m. “ a young goat, a kid “ from *ghaidos (dialect (h)ēdus, faedus, fēdus); Maybe abbreviated Alb. (*ĝheida) dhija “ a… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary