- Gytheum
Gythēum и Gythīum, ī n.Гифей (Гифий), приморский город в Лаконии (ныне Палеополис) C, L
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
GYTHEUM — opp. Laconicae, quod Hercules et Apollo, depositis eo loci simultatibus, communi operâ condidêrunt. Cic. l. 1. de Off. Classem Lacedoemoniorum, quae subducta esset ad Gytheum. Quem locum Herm. Barbarus emendavit, cum antea AEgypteum lectum fuit.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Nabis — For other uses, see Nabis (disambiguation). Coin of Nabis of Sparta claiming to be king; legend reads ΒΑΙΛΕΟΣ (Doric Greek for βασιλέως, genitive of βασιλεύς) and ΝΑΒΙΟΣ (Νάβιος is Doric Greek for Νάβιδος, genitive of Νάβις)[1] Nabis (Ancient… … Wikipedia
Gytheio — Infobox Greek Dimos name = Gytheio name local = Γύθειο periph = Peloponnese prefec = Laconia province = Gytheio population = 7926 population as of = 2001 population ref = [http://www.statistics.gr/gr tables/S1101 SAP 1 TB DC 01 03 Y.pdf source]… … Wikipedia
Orestes — ORESTES, æ & is, Gr. Ὀρέστης, ου, (⇒ Tab. XXX.) 1 §. Aeltern. Sein Vater war Agamemnon, König zu Mycene, und oberster Feldherr der Griechen vor Troja, seine Mutter aber Klytämnestra, des Tyndareus, Königs zu Sparta, Tochter. Hygin. Fab. 119. &… … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon