- gymnasiarchus
- ī m. [ gymnasium ]начальник гимнасия, гимнасиарх C, VM, Sid
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
gymnasiarque — [ ʒimnazjark ] n. m. • 1700; « directeur d école » 1530; lat. d o. gr. gymnasiarchus 1 ♦ Didact. Chef d un gymnase antique. 2 ♦ (1845) Rare Gymnaste (2o). ● gymnasiarque nom masculin (grec gumnasion, gymnase, et arkhos, chef) Dans l Antiquité,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Gymnasiarch — Gym*na si*arch (j[i^]m*n[=a] z[i^]*[aum]rk), n. [L. gymnasiarchus, Gr. gymnasi archos; gymna sion + a rchein to govern: cf. F. gymnasiarque.] (Gr. Antiq.) An Athenian officer who superintended the gymnasia, and provided the oil and other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gymnasiarch — gymnasiarchy, n. /jim nay zee ahrk /, n. (in ancient Greece) a magistrate who superintended the gymnasia and public games in certain cities. [1650 60; < L gymnasiarchus master of a gymnasium < Gk gymnasíarchos, equiv. to gymnási(on) (see… … Universalium
GYMNASIUM — I. GYMNASIUM locus, in quo gymnasticae exercitationes fiebant, publicus, ut habet Galen. de tuenda valet. l. 2. c. 2. in separata urbis regione exstructus, ubi ungebantur, fricabantur, luctabantur, discum iactitabant, aut tale quidpiam faciebant … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
gimnaziarh — gimnaziárh s. m., pl. gimnaziárhi Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic GIMNAZIÁRH s.m. (Ant.) Conducător şi administrator al unui gimnaziu (1). [pron. zi arh. / < lat. gymnasiarchus, cf. it. ginnasiarca] … Dicționar Român
gymnasiarch — /dʒɪmˈneɪziak/ (say jim nayzeeahk) noun a magistrate who super intended the gymnasia and certain public games in ancient Athens. {Latin gymnasiarchus, from Greek gymnasiarchos} …
concierge — Un Concierge, ou portier, Insularius, Ad limina custos. Le Concerge, ou Principal, qui a la charge du lieu de l exercice, Gymnasiarchus, et Gymnasiarcha … Thresor de la langue françoyse
gymnasiarch — [jim nā′zē ärk΄] n. [L gymnasiarchus < Gr gymnasiarchos < gymnasion, GYMNASIUM + archos, ARCH] in ancient Greece, an official who supervised athletic games, contests, and schools … English World dictionary
gymnasiarch — zēˌärk noun ( s) Etymology: Latin gymnasiarchus, from Greek gymnasiarchos, from gymnasion gymnasium + archos chief, ruler more at archi 1. : one responsible for the training of athletes in ancient Greece 2. : the head or head tutor of a school or … Useful english dictionary
gym|na|si|arch — «jihm NAY zee ahrk», noun. 1. an official in ancient Athens in charge of the athletic schools and certain public games. 2. a leader among athletes. 3. a head instructor in a school or college. ╂[< Latin gymnasiarchus < Greek gymnasíarchos… … Useful english dictionary