Смотреть что такое "gustatus" в других словарях:
Gusteris — ( Gustéris , Gustera *) is a rare amphibian lizard This incredibly rare lizard species is living in the Western Macedonia, a part of northern Greece (Lefkopigi, Polyphitos Lake, Kozani, West Macedonia, Greece). It is believed that this strange… … Wikipedia
goust — le Goust, Gustatus, huius gustatus, Sapor. Le goust et jugement des saveurs, Intellectus saporum. Un goust aspre et verd, Austerior gustus. Goust aspre et rude, Astrictus gustus. Gousts tant aspres et si amers, qu on n en peut avaller, Gustus… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
To Serve Man — is a science fiction short story written by Damon Knight, later adapted for use as an episode of the 1960s television series The Twilight Zone . In 2001, the story was awarded a Retro Hugo Award for the Best Short Story of 1951. Synopsis The… … Wikipedia
509th Operations Group — Infobox Military Unit unit name= 509th Composite Group caption= 509th Composite Group insignia patch dates= December 17 1944 country= United States allegiance= branch= United States Army Air Forces type= Composite bombardment group role= Nuclear… … Wikipedia
gustatorische Prüfung — gus|ta|to|ri|sche Prü|fung [lat. gustatus = Schmecken, Geschmack(sinn)]: sensorische Prüfung … Universal-Lexikon
ԱՆՃԱՇԱԿԵԼԻ — ( ) NBH 1 0198 Chronological Sequence: Unknown date, Early classical, 6c, 10c, 12c ա. ԱՆՃԱՇԱԿ եւ ԱՆՃԱՇԱԿԵԼԻ ἅγευστος qui gustari non potest, vel gustatus nonfuit Զոր չէ մարթ ճաշակել. որ ինչ չէ անկեալ կամ անկանելի ընդ ճաշակաւ. եւ ʼի վեր քան… … հայերեն բառարան (Armenian dictionary)
gustatory — (adj.) 1680s, from L. gustatus sense of taste; a taste, noun use of pp. of gustare to taste (see GUSTO (Cf. gusto)) + ORY (Cf. ory) … Etymology dictionary
gustatory — [gus′tətôr′ē əlgus′tə tôr΄ē] adj. [< L gustatus, pp. (see GUSTATION) + ORY] of or having to do with tasting or the sense of taste: also gustative [gus′tətiv] or gustatorial [gus′tətôr′ē əl] … English World dictionary
gus|ta|to|ry — «GUHS tuh TR ee, TOHR », adjective. of the sense of taste; having to do with tasting: »Eating fine foods gives gustatory pleasure. ╂[< Latin gustātus, past participle of gustāre to taste (< gustus, ūs taste) + English ory] … Useful english dictionary