
gremiālis v. l. = cremialis

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "gremialis" в других словарях:

  • Serruria — taxobox name = Serruria image caption = Serruria florida regnum = Plantae unranked divisio = Angiosperms unranked classis = Eudicots ordo = Proteales familia = Proteaceae genus = Serruria genus authority = Burm. ex Salisb. subdivision ranks =… …   Wikipedia

  • gremial — /gree mee euhl/, n. Eccles. a cloth placed on the lap of the bishop, as during the celebration of Mass or when he confers orders. [1555 65; < LL gremialis growing in a cluster from a stump, equiv. to L grem(ium) lap, bosom + alis AL1] * * * …   Universalium

  • BARMBRACUS — Lindenbrogio parvus canis est, in L. Frisonum tit. 4. §. 3. Qui occiderit canem acceptoricium, vel bracconem parvum, quem barmbracum vocant. Bracco enim canis hodieque Germanis est. Mavult tamen Spelmannus vocabulum deductum, a Saxon. Barme, quod …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Gremiale — Gre|mi|a|le das; s, ...lien [...i̯ən] <aus gleichbed. kirchenlat. gremiale zu mlat. gremialis »zum Schoß gehörig«> Schoßtuch des kath. Bischofs beim Messelesen …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • gremial — /ˈgrimiəl/ (say greemeeuhl) noun a cloth placed on a bishop s lap while sitting during celebration of mass or conferring orders. {Late Latin gremiālis (as noun, Medieval Latin gremiāle), from Latin gremium lap, bosom} …  

  • gremial — [grē′mē əl] n. [LL gremialis < L gremium, bosom, lap < IE * grem < base * ger : see GREGARIOUS] a lap cloth placed across the knees of a bishop, as when he sits during the celebration of Mass …   English World dictionary

  • gre|mi|al — «GREE mee uhl», adjective, noun. –adj. Archaic. 1. a) of or having to do with the lap or bosom. b) intimate. 2. of or having to do with a corporation or society. –n. a cloth placed on a bishop s lap to protect his vestments. ╂[earlier, a resident …   Useful english dictionary

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