- Alcinous
ī m.Алкиной, царь феаков, славившийся роскошью и богатством V, O, H, M
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Alcinŏus — Alcinŏus, s. Alkinoos … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Alcinŏus — Alcinŏus, s. Alkinoos … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Alcinous — Alcinous, König der Phäaken, der den Odysseus gastlich aufnahm und reichbeschenkt nach Ithaka bringen ließ. (Wunderliebliche Schilderungen in Homers Odyssee.) … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Alcinoüs — [al sin′ō əs] n. Gr. Myth. father of NAUSICAÄ … English World dictionary
Alcinous — For other uses, see Alcinous (disambiguation). Ulysses at the court of Alcinous by Francesco Hayez. Alcinous or Alkínoös (Gr. Ἀλκίνοος) was, in Greek mythology, a son of Nausithous, or of Phaeax (son of Poseido … Wikipedia
Alcinoüs — /al sin oh euhs/, n. (in the Odyssey) king of the Phaeacians and father of Nausicaä and Laodamas. * * * ▪ Greek mythology in Greek mythology, king of the Phaeacians (on the legendary island of Scheria), son of Nausithoüs, and grandson of… … Universalium
ALCINOUS — I. ALCINOUS Nausithoi fil. Homer. Od. 7. Rex Phaeacum in Corcyra insul. iustissimus, dicente Orpheô in Argonaut. Α᾿λκίνοος κραίνεοκε δικαιότατος βατιλήων. Virg. Georg. l. 2. v. 87. Pomaque et Alcinoi silvae. Ferunt horum pomariorum tantam fuisse… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Alcinous (disambiguation) — Alcinous can mean several people from classical myth and history:*Alcinous, a mythological king featured prominently in Homer s Odyssey *Alcinous, son of Hippocoon, who in conjunction with his father and eleven brothers, expelled Icarius and… … Wikipedia
Alcinous (philosopher) — FORCETOC Alcinous (Greek polytonic|Ἀλκίνους), or Alcinoos, or Alkinoos, was a Middle Platonist philosopher. He probably lived in the 2nd century, Alcinous fits most comfortably into a period bounded by the writings of Plutarch on the one hand,… … Wikipedia
Alcinous — Alcinoos Ulysse à la cour d Alcinoos, par Francesco Hayez (1813–1815) Dans la mythologie grecque, Alkinoos (en grec ancien Ἀλκίνοος / Alkínoos … Wikipédia en Français
Alcinoüs — /ælˈsɪnoʊəs/ (say al sinohuhs) noun (in Homer s Odyssey) a king of the Phaeacians, at whose court Odysseus related the story of his wanderings; the father of Nausicaä …