- gerontocomium
gerontocomīum, ī n. (греч.)приют для престарелых CJ
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Gerontocomĭum — (v. gr.), Haus, worin alte, abgelebte Leute Wartung u. Pflege (Gerontokomie) erhalten … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
GERONTOCOMIUM — vide Gerocomium … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
gerontocomium — An institution designed to take care of the elderly … Grandiloquent dictionary
gerontocomium — /jehrantakowmiyam/ In the civil law, an institution or hospital for taking care of the old … Black's law dictionary
gerontocomium — /jehrantakowmiyam/ In the civil law, an institution or hospital for taking care of the old … Black's law dictionary
Gerocomĭum — Gerocomĭum, so v.w. Gerontocomium … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
géronto- — géront(o) ♦ Élément, du gr. gerôn, gerontos « vieillard ». géronto élément, du gr. gerôn, gerontos, vieillard . ⇒GÉRONTO , élém. formant Élém. tiré du gr. , « vieillard », servant à construire certains mots techn., notamment dans le domaine… … Encyclopédie Universelle
GEROCOMIUM — ex Graeco Γηροκομεῖον, locus ubi Senes aluntur, in Vita Euphrosinae Virg n. 8. aliter Gerontocomium, Gr. Γεροντοκομεῖον, apud sulian. Antecess. Constit 7. Diversorium Senum, in Monasteriis agnoscit Petrus Diacon. de Mirac. S. Benedicti Casini… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
gerontokomij — gerontokòmij m DEFINICIJA ustanova za zbrinjavanje starijih osoba; starački dom ETIMOLOGIJA lat. gerontocomium ← grč. gerontokomeȋon ≃ geronto + komeȋn: skrbiti, brinuti se … Hrvatski jezični portal