Смотреть что такое "generose" в других словарях:
Liste de locutions latines — Cet article contient une liste de locutions latines présentée par ordre alphabétique. Pour des explications morphologiques et linguistiques générales, consulter l article : Expression latine. Sommaire A B … … Wikipédia en Français
Tor Nørretranders — (born June 20, 1955) is a Danish author of popular science. He was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. His books and lectures have primarily been focused on science and its role in society, often with Nørretranders own advice about how society should… … Wikipedia
Saint Marys Hospital (Rochester) — Saint Marys Hospital is one of two hospitals in Rochester, Minnesota operated by the Mayo Clinic. The other being Rochester Methodist Hospital, however St Marys has an emergency room while Rochester Methodist lacks this important department. It… … Wikipedia
Saint Marys Hospital — St. Marys Hospital Das Saint Marys Hospital ist das größte Krankenhaus in Rochester, Minnesota. Es wurde 1889 eröffnet und gehört zur renommierten Mayo Clinic. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
St. Marys Hospital — Das Saint Marys Hospital ist das größte Krankenhaus in Rochester, Minnesota. Es wurde 1889 eröffnet und gehört zur renommierten Mayo Clinic. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte … Deutsch Wikipedia
Generosität — Großzügigkeit; Edelmut; Großmut * * * Ge|ne|ro|si|tät 〈f. 20; unz.〉 generöses Wesen od. Verhalten [<frz. générosité „Edelmut, Großmut“] * * * Ge|ne|ro|si|tät, die; , en <Pl. selten> [frz. générosité < lat. generositas, eigtl. = edle… … Universal-Lexikon
Giovanni Paisiello — (or Paesiello) (May 9, 1740 ndash; June 5, 1816), was an Italian composer of the Classical era. LifePaisiello was born at Taranto, where he attended the Jesuit college. The beauty of his singing voice attracted attention so much, that in 1754 he… … Wikipedia
Carlo Tresca — Infobox Person name = Carlo Tresca image size = 180px caption = birth date = 1879 birth place = Italy death date = death date|1943|1|11|mf=y death place = New York City, United States occupation = Newspaper editor and labor leader. spouse =… … Wikipedia
La Fille Mal Gardée — is a comic ballet presented in two acts, inspired by Pierre Antoine Baudouin s 1789 painting Le Reprimande/Une Jeune Fille Querellée par sa Mère . The ballet was originally produced and choreographed by the Ballet Master Jean Dauberval to a… … Wikipedia
Marietta Marcolini — (born c. 1780 date of death unknown) was an Italian operatic contralto. Marcolini was born in Florence. The date of her stage debut is unknown but she was appearing in Venice in 1800. She subsequently sang in … Wikipedia
Antonio López de Santa Anna — Pérez de Lebrón, auch Santa Ana geschrieben, (* 21. Februar 1794 in Xalapa; † 21. Juni 1876 in Mexiko Stadt) war ein mexikanischer General und Politiker. Er war elfmal Staatschef von Mexiko (Präsidentschaften 1833–35; 1839; 1841–42, 1843, 1844;… … Deutsch Wikipedia