- Geloni
Gelōnī, ōrum m.гелоны, скифскосарматское племя на берегах Борисфена V, H, Mela etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Gelōni — (a. Geogr.), Ackerbau treibendes Volk am Pontos Euxinos u. Tanais; sie sollten hellenischen Ursprungs sein u. von Gelōnos, einem Sohne des Herakles u. der Echidna, abstammen; aber zu Herodots Zeit hatten sie skythische Sitten u. Lebensart, doch… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
GELONES vel GELONI — GELONES, vel GELONI populi Scythiae, Agathyrsis proximi, qui faciem depingunt, ut terribiliores in praelio videantur. Patientissimi sunt inediae, famequeve urgente, equo, quo vehuntur, sanguinis nonnihil detrahunt, eoque cum lacte commixto,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ГЕЛОНЫ — • Gelōni, Γελωνοί сарматское племя на реке Борисфене, родственное с будинами (Hdt. 4, 108. 123), главный город был Гелон. У них было в обычае татуироваться, поэтому picti Geloni y Вергилия (G. 2, 115. 3, 461). Гораций (Od. 2, 9, 23.… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
gelonis — gelonìs sf. K, J; B = geluonis: Gelonį pateriojo Mž265 … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
resl — geloni, infiammazione e enfiagione provocata dal freddo alle estremità delle mani e dei piedi … Dizionario Materano
Gelonians — The Gelonians (Geloni) are mentioned as a nation in northwestern Scythia by Herodotus ( Histories 4.102, .108). Herodotus says that they were originally Hellenes who settled among the Budinoi, and that they are bilingual in Greek and the Scythian … Wikipedia
Agathyrsi — were a people of Scythian [The Thracians 700 BC AD 46 The Thracians 700 BC AD 46 by Christopher Webber and Angus Mcbride,2001,ISBN 10: 1841763292,page 16: ... back, which could be to accommodate a top knot. Among the Agathyrsi (a Skythian tribe… … Wikipedia
gelone — 1ge·ló·ne s.m. 1. CO TS med. lesione cutanea eritematosa dovuta al freddo, con l aspetto di una placca rilevata di color rosso violaceo, che colpisce spec. le dita di mani e piedi, i talloni, la schiena, il naso e le orecchie, frequente nei… … Dizionario italiano
Battle of the Catalaunian Plains — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of Châlons caption= The Huns at the Battle of Chalons by Alphonse de Neuville (1836–85) partof=the Hunnic invasion of Gaul date=June 20, 451 place=Somewhere in the northeastern part of present day France… … Wikipedia
HIPPOPODES — pop. in Oceano Scythico, qui teste Solino humanam usque ad vestigium formam tenent, sed in equinos pedes desinunt. Dionys. Perieg. v. 310. Νευροί θ Ι῾ππόποδές τε, Γελωνοἰ τ᾿ ἠδ᾿ Α᾿γάθυρςοι. Avien. legit hunc versum, teste Morellio, hunc in modum … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
gelone — gelone1 pl.m. geloni gelone2 pl.m. geloni … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari