- Albensis
I Albēnsis, e L etc. adj. к Alba
II Albēnsis, is m.
житель города Alba PM
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
albensis — L. ensis, denoting origin. From Alba, central Rumania … Etymological dictionary of grasses
ALBENS — Albensis, Albensium … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
Epipactis — Broad leaved Helleborine (Epipactis helleborine) Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Epipactis — Heleborinas … Wikipedia Español
Epipactis gigantea — Douglas ex Hook..1839. Epipactis gigantea Clasificación científica Reino: Plantae Divis … Wikipedia Español
Administrative divisions of the Kingdom of Hungary — The following lists show the administrative divisions of the lands belonging to the Hungarian crown (1000 1918) at selected points of time. The names are given in the main official language used in the Kingdom at the times in question. For… … Wikipedia
Benzon d'Albe — ou Benzo d Alba (en latin : Benzo [episcopus] Albensis ; † vers 1085) est un ecclésiastique italien du XIe siècle, évêque d Albe. Biographie Originaire probablement du nord de l Italie où il est né peu de temps après 1010, Benzon d … Wikipédia en Français
Elb-Liebesgras — Rispe des Elb Liebesgrases Systematik Ordnung: Süßgrasartige (Poales) Familie … Deutsch Wikipedia
ВЕНГРИЯ — [Венгерская Республика; венг. Magyar Köztársaság], гос во в Центр. Европе. Территория: 93 030 кв. км. Столица: Будапешт (1863 тыс. чел. 1998). Крупнейшие города: Мишкольц (182 тыс. чел. 1997), Дебрецен (210 тыс. чел. 1997), Печ (162 тыс. чел.… … Православная энциклопедия
Vibrio — Taxobox color = lightgrey name = Vibrio image width = 240px image caption = Flagellar stain of V. cholerae regnum = Bacteria phylum = Proteobacteria classis = Gamma Proteobacteria ordo = Vibrionales familia = Vibrionaceae genus = Vibrio genus… … Wikipedia
Music history of Hungary — Little is known about Hungarian music prior to the 11th century, when the first Kings of Hungary were Christianized and Gregorian chant was introduced. During this period a bishop from Venice wrote the first surviving remark about Hungarian folk… … Wikipedia