- Gaetuli
Gaetūlī, ōrum m.гетулы, кочевой народ в сев.-зап. Африке Sl, Fl
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
gaetuli — gae·tu·li … English syllables
gaetuli — jēˈtüˌlī, jē.ˈtyü , gīˈtü(ˌ)lē noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: Latin : a Berber people living in ancient times to the south of Mauretania and Numidia … Useful english dictionary
ГЕТУЛЫ — • Gaetuli, Γαίτουλοι, весьма распространенный народ в северо западной Ливии; область их граничила на западе с Атлантическим океаном, на севере с Мавританией и Нумидией, на востоке с гарамантами и горою Узаргалой, на юге с рекою… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
GAETULIA — regio Libyae interioris, Garamantibus finitima, cuius incolae Gaetuli. Lucan. Civ. Bell. l. 4. v. 677. Autololes Numidaeque vagl, semperque paratue Inculto Gaetulus equo. Sil. Ital. Punic. Bell. l. 3. v. 287. et seqq. Vos quoque desertis in… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
gaetulian — I. (ˈ) ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ lēən adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Gaetuli + an 1. : of, relating to, characteristic of, or being a member of the Gaetuli 2. : of, relating to, characteristic of, or derived from Gaetulia, the region inhabited by … Useful english dictionary
Gaetulia — ▪ region, North Africa ancient district of interior North Africa that in Roman times, at least, was inhabited by wandering tribes, the Gaetuli. The area, not clearly defined, included the southern slopes of the Atlas Mountains, from the… … Universalium
Gaetulian lion — In Antiquity a Gaetulian lion was an African lion of fierce reputation. Gaetulia, in ancient geography, was the land of the Gaetuli, a warlike Libyan tribe that appears in Virgil s Aeneid , Book V, Line 352:: ..my task to offer consolation to our … Wikipedia
History of Africa — Pre Colonial African States … Wikipedia
Gaetulia — is the name of a Roman region in present day southern Algeria. It is mostly desert. Parts of the Atlas mountains occupy its northwestern tip. The Zenata are considered Gaetulian. [Recueil des notices et mémoires de la Société archéologique de la… … Wikipedia
Early African Church — The name Early African Church is given to the Christian communities inhabiting the region known politically as Roman Africa, and comprised geographically within the following limits, namely: the Mediterranean littoral between Cyrenaica on the… … Wikipedia
Praetorian prefecture of Africa — Infobox Former Subdivision native name = aut|Praefectura praetorio Africae conventional long name = Praetorian prefecture of Africa common name = Prefecture of Africa continent = Africa subdivision = Praet. Prefecture nation = the East Roman… … Wikipedia