Смотреть что такое "alabarches" в других словарях:
Alabarches — Alabarches, Zollschreiber, oberster Vorsteher der Juden in Alexandrien … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
HALABARCHES seu ALABARCHES — HALABARCHES, seu ALABARCHES apud Ruffin. Alexandriae Magistratus fuit Iudaeorum. Ita enim Ioseph. Antiqq. l. 20. c. 3. Fado autem, inquit, Successit Tiberius Alexander, eius Alexandrifil. qui Alabarchiae magistratum gessit. Hinc Equitem Rom. sed… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ARABARCHES — publicanus apud Aegyptios. Iuvenal. Sat. 1. v. 130. Inter quas ausus habere Nescio quis titulos Aegyptius atque Arabarches. Ubi alii Alabarches Α῎λαβα Hesychio est μέλαν ᾧ γράφομεν: Quidam volunt significare etiam scriptum de tributo, quod pro… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
alabarch — ˈaləˌbärk noun ( s) Etymology: Latin alabarches, from Greek alabarchēs, alteration of arabarchēs, from Arabia + Greek archēs arch : the chief magistrate of the Jews at Alexandria under the Ptolemies and the Roman Empire … Useful english dictionary
Alabarch — The alabarch was the Greek title of an official who stood at the head of the Jewish population of Alexandria during the Hellenistic and early Roman periods. EtymologyThe etymology of the word ἀλαβάρχης (alabarches), and, therefore, the original… … Wikipedia
Alabarch — Ala|barch der; en, en <aus gleichbed. gr. alabárchēs zu álaba »Ruß, Tinte«> Zollschreiber, Zolleinnehmer im alten Ägypten … Das große Fremdwörterbuch