- fulsi
fulsī pf. к1) fulcio и2) fulgeo
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
fulsi — fùl·si pass.rem. → fulgere … Dizionario italiano
fulgere — fùl·ge·re v.intr. LE risplendere, brillare: il sol... dietro a l colle | si nascondea fulgendo (D Annunzio) {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1321. ETIMO: dal lat. fŭlgĕre, var. di fulgēre. NOTA GRAMMATICALE: presenta eccezioni nel pass.rem. fulsi,… … Dizionario italiano
fulgere — {{hw}}{{fulgere}}{{/hw}}v. intr. (pres. io fulgo , tu fulgi ; pass. rem. io fulsi , tu fulgesti ; difett. del part. pass. e dei tempi comp. ) (lett.) Rifulgere, risplendere … Enciclopedia di italiano
bheleg- — bheleg English meaning: to shine Deutsche Übersetzung: “glänzen” Note: extension from bhel ds. Material: bhelg : O.Ind. bhárgas n. “radiative lustre, shine” (*bhelgos); Bhr̥gavaḥ, pl. “ mythical priests of the flash fire “;… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
bhel-5 , mostly with -ĝ- (-k̂-): bhelǝĝ -, bhelǝ-n-ĝ-, bheleĝ-; bhl̥k̂- — bhel 5 , mostly with ĝ ( k̂ ): bhelǝĝ , bhelǝ n ĝ , bheleĝ ; bhl̥k̂ English meaning: balk Deutsche Übersetzung: “Bohle, Balken” Material: Basic bhel in O.Ind. bhuríjüu Du.” arms, arms or shafts of the cart’s pole”; Gaul.… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary