- fruitio
ōnis f. [ fruor ](ис)пользование Hier
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
fruición — (Del lat. fruitio, onis.) ► sustantivo femenino Placer intenso o complacencia: ■ come con fruición. * * * fruición (del lat. «fruitĭo, ōnis») f. *Placer: ‘Aspiraba con fruición el aire primaveral’. * * * fruición. (Del lat. fruitĭo, ōnis). f.… … Enciclopedia Universal
fruition — ⇒FRUITION, subst. fém. Vx, littér., dans le domaine intellectuel ou mystique. Action de jouir. Cette fruition des grâces dont la communauté de Solesmes a été investie (HUYSMANS, Oblat, t. 2, 1903, p. 23) : • Gratuité du don. Don sans conteste.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Fruition — Fru*i tion, n. [OF. fruition, L. fruitio, enjoyment, fr. L. frui, p. p. fruitus, to use or enjoy. See {Fruit}, n.] Use or possession of anything, especially such as is accompanied with pleasure or satisfaction; pleasure derived from possession or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fruition — noun Etymology: Middle English fruicioun, from Anglo French or Late Latin; Anglo French fruicion, from Late Latin fruition , fruitio, from Latin frui Date: 15th century 1. pleasurable use or possession ; enjoyment 2. a. the state of bearing fruit … New Collegiate Dictionary
Lutherische Orthodoxie — Der Begriff lutherische Orthodoxie bezeichnet eine theologiegeschichtliche Phase der Konsolidierung der lutherischen Theologie im Anschluss an die Wirren der Reformationszeit, ungefähr von 1580 bis 1730. Besonders kennzeichnend für diese Epoche… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Éros (philosophie) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Éros (homonymie). Éros ailé tenant une lyre. Détail d une amphore attique, v. 470 av. J. C. (musée du Louvre). L’éros (ἔρως érōs) es … Wikipédia en Français
Unsterblichkeit — (Immortalitas, gr. Athanasia), die mit dem Bewußtsein der eigenen individuellen Persönlichkeit verbundene ewige Fortdauer des Geistes nach dem Tode des Leibes. Der Glaube an U. in diesem Sinne ist so allgemein verbreitet, daß er, wenn auch in… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
fruition — /frooh ish euhn/, n. 1. attainment of anything desired; realization; accomplishment: After years of hard work she finally brought her idea to full fruition. 2. enjoyment, as of something attained or realized. 3. state of bearing fruit. [1375… … Universalium
Heaven — • In the Holy Bible the term heaven denotes, in the first place, the blue firmament, or the region of the clouds that pass along the sky. Gen., i, 20, speaks of the birds under the firmament of heaven . In other passages it denotes the region of… … Catholic encyclopedia
Instinct — • The term usually includes the idea of a purposive adaptation of an action or series of actions in an organized being, not governed by consciousness of the end to be attained Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Instinct Instinc … Catholic encyclopedia
Scotism and Scotists — • Article on the school of philosophy inspired by John Duns Scotus, and its proponents in the fourteenth through nineteenth centuries Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Scotism and Scotists Scotism and Scotists … Catholic encyclopedia