- frictus
a, um part. pf. к1) frico и2) frigo I
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
fritter — I. noun Etymology: Middle English fritour, from Anglo French friture, from Vulgar Latin *frictura, from Latin frictus, past participle of frigere to roast Date: 14th century a small mass of fried or sautéed batter often containing fruit or meat… … New Collegiate Dictionary
dentifrice — Any preparation used in the cleansing of the teeth, e.g., a tooth powder, toothpaste, or tooth wash. [L. dentifricium, fr. dens, tooth, + frico, pp. frictus, to rub] * * * den·ti·frice dent ə frəs n a powder, paste, or liquid for cleaning the… … Medical dictionary
frito — (Part. pas. irreg. de freír.) ► adjetivo 1 Que se ha freído: ■ le gustan mucho las patatas fritas; hoy he comido pescadito frito. 2 coloquial Se dice de la persona que está harta o exasperada: ■ estoy frita con tantas interrupciones, así no se… … Enciclopedia Universal
frizzare — /fri dz:are/ v. intr. [lat. frictiare, der. di frictus, part. pass. di frigĕre friggere e anche di fricare fregare ] (aus. avere ). 1. a. [dare la sensazione più o meno dolorosa di molte e sottili punture: come frizza quest aria di montagna! ]… … Enciclopedia Italiana
frizzante — friz|zan|te <it. ; Part. Präs. von frizzare »prickeln; beißen«, dies zu lat. frictus, Part. Perf. von frigere »rösten«> ital. Bez. für perlend, leicht schäumend (von Weinen) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
fry — ‘cook in fat’ [13] and fry ‘young fish’ [14] are quite distinct words. The former comes via Old French frire from Latin frīgere, a cooking term which covered what we would now distinguish as ‘roasting’ and ‘frying’. It goes back ultimately to… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
frikcija — frìkcija ž DEFINICIJA 1. fiz. otpor što ga kretanju nekog tijela pruža površina po kojoj se ono kreće; trenje 2. med. vrsta masaže vršcima prstiju trljanjem ETIMOLOGIJA lat. frictio: trljanje ≃ frictus: istrljan ← fricare: trgati … Hrvatski jezični portal
frit — Frit, m. adject. Est fricassé, Significatione passiua. Poisson frit, Pissis frictus. Frit aussi par metaphore est autant que consumé et gasté. Il a frit tout son bien, c. Mangé et despendu ou consumé, Decoxit bona sua. Frit, substant. Est un… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
frito — frito, ta (Del part. irreg. de freír; lat. frictus). 1. m. Manjar frito. 2. C. Rica. Sopa de cabeza y entrañas de cerdo. 3. Cuba. Especie de hamburguesa. dejar a alguien frito. fr. coloq. Matarlo … Diccionario de la lengua española
Liebe — 1. Ade, Lieb , ich kann nicht weine, verlier ich dich, ich weiss noch eine. Auch in der Form: Adieu Lieb, ich kan nit weinen, wilt du nit, ich weiss schon einen. (Chaos, 60.) »Wenn dir dein Liebchen untreu war, musst du dich nur nicht gleich… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
fry — ‘cook in fat’ [13] and fry ‘young fish’ [14] are quite distinct words. The former comes via Old French frire from Latin frīgere, a cooking term which covered what we would now distinguish as ‘roasting’ and ‘frying’. It goes back ultimately to… … Word origins