- frequentatus
- 1. frequentātus, a, um
part. pf. к frequento2. adj.1) весьма употребительный, частый, обычный PM2) изобилующий, обильный (aliquā re C)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
CORNU — proprie de quadrupedibus. Plin. l. 11. c. 37. Cornua multis quidem et aquatilium et marinorum et serpentum variis data sunt modis: sed quae iure cornua intelligantur, quadrupedum generi tantum Nec alibi maior naturae lascivia lusit animalium… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
frequentative — (n.) verb which expresses repetition of action, 1520s, from Fr. fréquentatif, from L.L. frequentativus that which denotes the repetition of an act, from L. frequentatus, pp. of frequentare visit regularly … Etymology dictionary
frequentation — ˌfrēkˌwenˈtāshən, wən noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English frequentacioun frequent gathering, from Late Latin frequentation , frequentatio, from Latin, action of crowding or packing together, from frequentatus (past participle of frequentare to… … Useful english dictionary