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Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
gʷher- — gʷher English meaning: hot, warm Deutsche Übersetzung: “heiß, warm” Material: O.Ind. háras n. “blaze, glow” (= Gk. θέρος, Arm. jer), ghr̥ṇá m. “blaze, glow, heat” (= Lat. fornus, O.C.S. grъnъ), ghr̥ṇōti “glũht, shines”, gharmá… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
enfornar — (del lat. «in», en y «fornus», horno; ant.) tr. Enhornar. * * * enfornar. (Del lat. in, en, y fornus, horno). tr. desus. enhornar … Enciclopedia Universal
горн — I I. плавильная печь , народн. горон (Шахматов, ИОРЯС 7, 1, 299), укр. горно, др. русск. гърнъ, цслав. грънъ lebes , болг. гърне, сербохорв. гр̏не, род. п. ета, словен. grnǝc, чеш., слвц. hrnec, польск. garnek горшок , в. луж. hornc, нж. луж.… … Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера
Forneus — In demonology, Forneus is a Great Marquis of Hell, and has twenty nine legions of demons under his rule. He teaches Rhetoric and languages, gives men a good name, and makes them be loved by their friends and foes.He is depicted as a sea… … Wikipedia
Comarca de La Cabrera — Para otros usos de este término, véase Cabrera. La Cabrera Comarca de España … Wikipedia Español
Forneus — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En demonología, Forneus es un Gran Marqués del Infierno, y tiene veintinueve legiones de demonios bajo su mandato. Enseña retórica e idiomas, da a los hombres un buen nombre y los hace ser queridos por sus amigos y… … Wikipedia Español
gʷher- — To heat, warm. Derivatives include brand, brandy, forceps, and fornicate. 1. Zero grade form *gʷhr . a. burn1, from Old English beornan, byrnan (intransitive) and bærn … Universalium
hornito — /hawr nee toh/; Sp. /awrdd nee taw/, n., pl. hornitos / tohz/; Sp. / taws/. Geol. a low oven shaped mound of congealed lava, common in some volcanic districts, emitting hot smoke and vapors in the final stages of activity. [1820 30; < Sp, equiv.… … Universalium
гореть — Общеславянское – goreti. Древнерусское – гор(ять)ти. Старославянское – гор(ять)ти. Слово известно в древнерусском и старославянском языках, таким образом, оно уже было распространенным в речи в XI в. Слово «гореть» общеславянского происхождения… … Этимологический словарь русского языка Семенова
List of demons in the Ars Goetia — The demons names (given below) are taken from the Ars Goetia, which differs in terms of number and ranking from the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum of Johann Weyer. As a result of multiple translations, there are multiple spellings for some of the names … Wikipedia
furnace — [13] Etymologically, furnace means roughly ‘warm place’. It comes via Old French fornais from Latin fornāx ‘furnace’. This was a derivative of fornus ‘oven’, a word related to formus ‘warm’, which goes back to the same Indo European source,… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins