Смотреть что такое "formicinus" в других словарях:
Agorius — Taxobox name = Agorius image width = 250px image caption = Agorius constrictus regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Arachnida ordo = Araneae familia = Salticidae subfamilia = Agoriinae tribus = Agoriini genus = Agorius genus authority … Wikipedia
Paradamoetas — Taxobox name = Paradamoetas image caption = image width = 250px regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Arachnida ordo = Araneae familia = Salticidae subfamilia = Dendryphantinae tribus = Dendryphantini genus = Paradamoetas genus… … Wikipedia
List of spiders of Texas — This is a list of all spider species that have been found in Texas, USA, as of July 17, 2006. It is taken from the [ Catalogue of Texas Spiders] by D. Allen Dean, which was started in 1940. The list… … Wikipedia
Agorius — ? Agorius … Википедия
Paradamoetas — Научная классификация промежуточные ранги Домен: … Википедия
formicine — I. ˌsīn, sə̇n adjective Etymology: Latin formicinus, from formica ant + inus ine 1. : of, relating to, or resembling an ant 2. [New Latin Formicinae group of ants, from Latin, feminine plural of formicinus] : belonging to a group of ants that… … Useful english dictionary
List of Philodromidae species — This page lists all described species of the spider family Philodromidae as of May 18, 2008.Apollophanes Apollophanes O. P. Cambridge, 1898 * Apollophanes aztecanus Dondale Redner, 1975 Mexico * Apollophanes bangalores Tikader, 1963 India *… … Wikipedia
List of Salticidae species A-C — includes all described species with a scientific name starting from A to C of the spider family Salticidae as of July 13, 2008.Abracadabrella Abracadabrella Zabka, 1991 * Abracadabrella birdsville Zabka, 1991 Queensland * Abracadabrella elegans… … Wikipedia
List of Salticidae species N-P — includes all described species with ascientific name starting from N to P of the spider family Salticidae as of July 13, 2008.Nagaina Nagaina Peckham Peckham, 1896 * Nagaina berlandi Soares Camargo, 1948 Brazil * Nagaina diademata Simon, 1902… … Wikipedia
Araignées du Québec — Tegenaria atrica Il existe quelque 38 000 espèces d araignées au monde réparties en 109 familles. Au Québec, la faune des Araignées connues comprend plus de 600 espèces regroupées dans 27 familles. La plus grande famille présente est celle des… … Wikipédia en Français
Agorius — Agorius … Wikipédia en Français