
flāvī, flātum, āre
1) дуть, веять (ventus flat Cs etc.)
simul f. sorbereque haud factu facile est погов. Pl — одновременно дуть и пить (втягивать) — дело нелёгкое
2) раздувать (scintillam flando accendere L)
3) выдувать, извергать, выдыхать (ore flammam Lcr)
4) играть на духовом инструменте (tibia flatur O)
5) возвещать, (про)возглашать (f. praeconia classica Prp); говорить высокопарно, выспренно (inanes glorias f. AG)
6) лить (aes, argentum AG); чеканить (pecuniam C; nummos Dig)

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "flo" в других словарях:

  • flo — flo·re·at·ed; flo·ren·cée; flo·res; flo·res·cence; flo·res·cent; flo·ret·ed; flo·ri·at·ed; flo·ri·a·tion; flo·ri·bun·da; flo·ri·can; flo·ri·cul·tur·al; flo·ri·cul·ture; flo·ri·cul·tur·ist; flo·rid·e·ae; flo·rid·i·ana; flo·rid·i·ty;… …   English syllables

  • FLO — or Flo may refer to:* Florence Regional Airport in Florence, South Carolina * Flo , an American comedy television series * Flo ( Cars ), a character from Cars * Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International * or Flo , a skeleton of an extinct… …   Wikipedia

  • Flo — oder Flo bezeichnet: Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International Fluoren, chemische Verbindung eine Variante des Vornamens Florian Tore André Flo (* 1973), norwegischer Fußballspieler eine Variante des Vornamens Flora (Vorname) Flo Hyman… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • FLO — oder Flo bezeichnet: Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International Fluoren, chemische Verbindung eine Variante des Vornamens Flora (Vorname) eine Variante des Vornamens Florian Tore André Flo (* 1973), norwegischer Fußballspieler Flo Hyman… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • flo|ra — «FLR uh, FLOHR », noun. the Roman goddess of flowers. ╂[< Latin Flōra goddess of flowers < flōs, flōris flower] flo|ra «FLR uh, FLOHR », noun, plural flo|ras, flo|rae «FLR ee, FLOHR ». 1. plants of a particular region or time: »the flora of …   Useful english dictionary

  • Flo|ra — «FLR uh, FLOHR », noun. the Roman goddess of flowers. ╂[< Latin Flōra goddess of flowers < flōs, flōris flower] flo|ra «FLR uh, FLOHR », noun, plural flo|ras, flo|rae «FLR ee, FLOHR ». 1. plants of a particular region or time: »the flora of …   Useful english dictionary

  • Flo — (fl[=o]), n.; pl. {Flon} (fl[=o]n). [AS. fl[=a], fl[=a]n.] An arrow. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flōþra- — *flōþra , *flōþraz germ., stark. Maskulinum (a): nhd. Flunder; ne. flounder; Rekontruktionsbasis: an., mnd.; Etymologie: s. ing. *plā̆t , (*plā̆d ), *plē̆t …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

  • Flo-Jo — [Flo Jo] the popular name for the US runner Florence Griffith Joyner …   Useful english dictionary

  • Flo — f English: short form of FLORENCE (SEE Florence) and FLORA (SEE Flora), common in the early part of the 20th century, but now widely considered somewhat old fashioned (in contrast to most other short forms in o, e.g. Jo) …   First names dictionary

  • flȍk — m pom. malo jedro na pramčanom dijelu jedrilice u obliku trokuta ✧ {{001f}}njem. ← tal …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

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