- firmiter
[ firmus ]крепко, твёрдо, сильно (promittere Pl; insistere Cs; meminisse AG); непоколебимо, нерушимо (se alicui dedicare Ap)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Hoc hic misterium fidei firmiter profitemur — Blason de Lugo. Blason de la Galice sur une carte du … Wikipédia en Français
ut statuta illa, et onmes articulos in eisdem contentos, in singulis locis ubi expedire viderit, publice proclamari, et firmiter teneri et observari faciat — That he cause those statutes and all of the articles contained in them to be publicly proclaimed and to be strictly kept and observed. See 1 Bl Comm 185 … Ballentine's law dictionary
University College School — The Gower redirects here. For the geographical area of that name, see Gower Peninsula. University College School (UCS) Motto Paulatim sed firmiter (Steadily but surely) Established 1830 Type … Wikipedia
77th Armor Regiment (United States) — Infobox Military Unit unit name=77th Armor Regiment caption=77th Armor coat of arms country=United States type=Armored Regiment branch=Regular Army dates=25 April 1941 Present. specialization= command structure= 4th Brigade,1st Armored Division… … Wikipedia
General Resurrection — General Resurrection † Catholic Encyclopedia ► General Resurrection Resurrection is the rising again from the dead, the resumption of life. The Fourth Lateran Council teaches that all men, whether elect or reprobate, will rise again… … Catholic encyclopedia
Siete emblemas de la Universidad de Salamanca — Coordenadas: 40°57′41.01″N 5°40′1.37″O / 40.9613917, 5.6670472 … Wikipedia Español
Kopf — 1. Abgehauener Kopf braucht keine Sturmhaube mehr. 2. Am Kopf des Narren lernt der Junge scheren. Die Araber in Algerien: Am Kopfe der Waise macht der Chirurg Versuche. Die ägyptischen Araber: Er lernt das Schröpfen an den Köpfen der Waisen.… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
Act of Contrition — The Act of Contrition is a prayer recited by the penitent during the Latin Rite Roman Catholic sacrament of Confession.It is also used by some believers as a private devotional as part a daily examination of conscience. Full textLatin:Deus meus,… … Wikipedia
Unam sanctam — On November 18, 1302, Pope Boniface VIII issued the Papal bull Unam sanctam [The bull is known by its incipit: Unam sanctam ecclesiam catholicam et ipsam apostolicam urgente fide credere cogimur et tenere, nosque hanc firmiter credimus et… … Wikipedia
Æthelbert of Sussex — Aethelbert, or, more correctly, Æðelberht, was King of Sussex, but is known only from charters. The dates of Æðelberht’s reign are unknown beyond the fact that it overlapped at least in part with the bishopship of Sigeferth of Selsey, as… … Wikipedia
Kingdom of Galicia — For the Kingdom of Galicia, now part of Poland and Ukraine, see Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria. Kingdom of Galicia pt (Galician) Galliciense Regnum (Latin) … Wikipedia